Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #19100 (May 10th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs) | Latest WACUP public preview is build #19100 (May 10th 2024) (x86 only)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - Aminifu

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Hi Darkhell,

JFI, I'm using the same OS files as you except my OS Build is 22631.3447. Anyway the OS has nothing to do with the bug. Dro has explained why I didn't replicate the issue. I'm glad you found that needle in the haystack.  :)

Observations like yours are making WACUP more and more robust.

So it is a real bug in the code. I assume selecting one or both of the "Ignore the information WACUP provides ..." and "Do not show empty / invalid skins ..." options protects me from the error.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Genre Tag Issue
« on: May 06, 2024, 08:32:13 AM »
Check the preferences - advanced - options page 2 tab. If the "Only show genres from the genres.txt ..." option is enabled, try disabling it.


If i put a file "bet.txt" then can't load big bento, if rename the file to "bat.txt" then big bento works and now bento doesn't load.

I've tried this. Putting (non-zero)  text files with those name in my skins folder (which has the default name and location) after a shutdown. After a restart it made no difference, I'm still able to select and switch among all 27 (including the default built in classic) of my skins.

It seems to be something about the way you have installed and/or are using WACUP that is the problem, instead of WACUP itself. I'm probably wrong and you have found a needle in a haystack. I do that a lot.  :)

Hi dro,

Interesting info. My Windows Explorer file manager lists all folders and files in alphabetical order, but the OS doesn't usually return them to WACUP in that order.

In the preferences Skins - Manager Settings - Skins Menu section, I have only selected the "Alphabetically sort the menu entries", "Ignore the information WACUP provides ..." and "Do not show empty / invalid skins ..." options. I've also selected the "Big Bento Modern" choice in the "Prefer" drop down box. However I get consistant, but unexpected results, that I have gotten used to. The classic skins are not listed in alphabetical order. The modern skins are listed in two groops. 7 of the skins I use that come with the installation package are listed at the top in non-alphabetical order. The other 9 are 3rd party and are listed in alphabetical order (below the 1st group).

I have also disabled the "Use the orginal skin selection ..." option in the Skin Browser section. I couldn't select skins in the main Skins tab's skin browser until I disabled that option. All 26 of the additional classic and modern skins I use, are listed in alphabetical order in the skin browser, with the default built-in classic skin at the top. Thank you for adding the folder icon next to names for skins that are in folders. Since I put all my modern skins in folders, it makes it easy for me to tell modern from classic skins.


... if there is a folder or a file in the root of the skin folder with names that start with "a" or "b", depending on the following 2 or 3 letters that accompany them, it affects the load of Bento and/or Big Bento, ...

I'm using the x86 beta build v1.99.12.18980.

I'm currently using 16 modern skins and 10 classic ones (excluding the default built in one). I have 5 folders and 1 file in my skins folder with names that start with "A" or "B". The folders contain the files for various modern skins (such as the Bento skins). The file is an archive file for a classic skin (Bento_Classified.wsz). What are the following 2 or 3 letters that trigger your issue? I would like to try to replicate this.

It is not clear to me which .ini file is changed and what the changes are. The winamp.ini is updated with the name of the skin being used when a session is shutdown, so that the next session is started with the same skin. The studio.xnf file is similarly updated if the skin is a modern one.

I have no problems switching among all the skins I'm using, using any and all of the methods currently provided.


... when all of that got dropped I'd just not gotten around to implementing it since I'd not had to when the winamp core was able to handle the action for me. Is now sorted for the next build.


With all you do by yourself, it is quite understandable when some things fall thru the cracks.  :)

I'm still wondering why anyone would want to change the default skins folder. Although, at some point, someone will try to use any option that looks like it may be used.

Have added it to the todo list though I've not checked why it's not reacting like it should.


As far as I'm concerned, take your time. I have no need or desire to change the default skins folder.

I also should stop posting in preview build threads, since I don't use it. It's just that I look at all posts and sometimes what is reported for a preview also happens with a beta.

Sorry Darkhell, I'm not able to replicate your Bento skin switching issue. I can confirm that clicking the "Set skins directory..." button does nothing.

I can also confirm that the initial issue reported by wbpayne and MarkRH (which was also happening for me in the previous beta builds when switching to the base skin) is fixed in beta build #18980.

Skins / Waveform Seeker Plug-in colors
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:11:51 AM »
How do I control the foreground and background colors used by the Waveform Seeker plug-in when used with classic and modern skins?

I tag my songs the way MarkRH suggests. I also enable all the filter options on the Preferences Media Library-Local Library-Options tab, except the "Ignore the The ..." and "Use limited associative ..." options. This works pretty well for me.


Will add the request to refresh the existing history titles to the todo list.


Thank you.

"Playlist String" or something like that. I noticed this when I changed the PE ATF string I was using and saw that that column contents changed to match it. Older records used the previous PE ATF string. Not necessary, but would it be possible to add an option to update old records to match the active PE ATF string.

Since I'm using 3 different ATF strings in different places for the playing file, I've now changed the PE string to only show %title% and thus match the column heading in the history view.

Things could stay as they are, changes are not really necessary. Once I noticed this behavior and realized it wasn't an history view error in reading metadata, I decided to mention it.

Wishlist / Feature Requests / ML History View Column Heading Change
« on: March 07, 2024, 04:03:06 PM »
The column currently named "Title" in the history view doesn't display the file's title. It displays the playlist editor's string for the file that was played. I suggest the column's heading be changed to correctly indicate what is being displayed (or change the column's content to match it's heading).

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Another album art problem
« on: March 02, 2024, 05:28:23 PM »
Have you tried using the General - Album Art - Reading option in the Preferences to select how you want WACUP to read your album art?

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