Here you can download the current WACUP x64 Preview build from September 28 2024 which is a snapshot of the work being done. As this is pre-release software there can be issues which can be reported in the preview discussion forum with all applicable information about how the issue happened and most importantly how to reproduce it so it can be fixed - your help is what makes the software better.


tl;dr: 64-bit WACUP is like the classic winamp 2.9x without plug-in & modern skin support!

With this being a native 64-bit program it is not possible to load any of the 32-bit winamp compatible plug-ins which means no 3rd party plug-in support nor the ability for WACUP to be able to re-use any of the plug-ins from the 5.666 installer unlike the 32-bit build which is able to do so.

This means there's currently no winamp3 / modern skin support until a WACUP native plug-in is implemented to replicate the gen_ff (modern skin engine) plug-in.

If you need winamp3 / modern skin support or to be able to use 3rd party winamp compatible plug-ins then you should use the 32-bit WACUP instead.

These limitations mean there's currently less functionality compared to the x86 build though that difference will reduce over time & make this build behave more like a 2.9x style experience instead of the potential to be like 5.x for now. Depending on your needs then this might be the build that works best for you & if not the other build isn't going away & is probably the best option to use if you're uncertain :)

Download WACUP
Full Preview Build
v1.99.22.20202 (x64)

Changelog: September 28 2024 (changes shown are compared to v1.99.21.20088)
Preview Forum Thread: view here
Known Issues: view here
Filesize: 9.33 MiB (9783758 bytes)
SHA256: 4E3BE9BA9F1D59C324384D4B70ECD99C63A5E95F4460C354417098C76BCCA37C
Install Requirements: view here
Hybrid Analysis Results: view here
False Positive Issues: view here

Installer Notes: It is best to install the WACUP preview into a separate directory (if applicable) which the installer will inform you about as applicable. The installer provides a number of options depending on if there are prior installs present or not as well as the means to create portable installs.

Supporting WACUP: There are a number of ways to support this project be it financially or otherwise. So if you like it then please do let others know about WACUP :)

Install requirements:

Windows 7 is the minimum version of Windows supported as this is a reasonable base level to support despite it & other versions of Windows having gone end of life versus development resources available (aka just myself).

A working internet connection is required to allow the WACUP installer to download some of the additional aspects like Milkdrop presets which will not change often between installs to save you & me some bandwidth during installation. If this is not accessible then it should not affect the core install process.

WINE & Milkdrop: Whether you're using WINE natively or via a virtual machine you may encounter some issues with getting Milkdrop to run. The WACUP installer will attempt to install the needed DirectX 9.0c runtime files that it uses (alternatively you might be able to use those provided by WINE).

The next step is to ensure that the appropriate 64-bit host rendering libraries are correctly installed though these should usually be already present by default on a lot of distributions.

Once milkdrop is able to load it might be necessary to configure WINE to know how much VRAM is available as without this Milkdrop can complain on loading that it cannot create any textures. To do this run wine regedit followed by making HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Wine > Direct3D > creating a "VideoMemorySize" string value & setting it to something related to the potentially available VRAM size (e.g. 512 or 2048).

False Positive Issues:

If you're having issues with downloading & running the WACUP installer due to it being blocked by your anti-virus / malware protection software then please see here for more information about commonly seen false positive detections & how you can resolve the issue if you're happy that it is a false positive (e.g. allowing it to be run & to gain the trust needed to allow it through such checks).

Alternatively there's numerous ways to contact me & let me know about the issue or have a chat to answer any questions you might have about the safety of using WACUP.