Changed the version check to be run the next time WACUP is started after a crash occurred to make it more obvious if a newer version is available (this is based of the automatic crash report submissions where people are still using older builds despite a newer build with appropriate fixes having been out for more than a week which just causes more work than needed)
Fixed the cause of the Winamp Classic Modern (WCM) based modern skins throwing a divide by zero error for some installs (this was not easy to track down & fixes something that's been going on for months - but its fixed now!)
Fixed an occasional crash when trying to determine the input plug-in to be used for some actions (this also possible helps get the old mp3pro input plug-in working)
Fixed WMA & WMV files not having their metadata read when the DirectShow input plug-in is handling playback for them (more work needs to be done but this is a start)
Fixed a delay loading dll issue crash related to loading of the main playlist (still not sure why despite the appropriate handling in WACUP that these issues occur for some but not all)
Fixed a delay loading dll issue crash related to starting WAV file playback
Fixed the likely cause of MP4 based playback not completing the stop action
Fixed opening the preferences from the replacement local library plug-in crashing (not entirely sure how this happened but that's what the crash report showed)
Fixed a crash on loading when trying to load a playlist file & the playlist manager service has failed to be initialised at the time
Fixed category not being correctly read from ID3v2.x tags for MP3 files (changes in build #4334 introduced this change whilst fixing other crashing issues)
Fixed some metadata fields for WMA based tags not mapping to the expected Winamp/WACUP values
Fixed the likely cause of the podcasts library view sometimes locking up & causing a crash when the subscribed podcast feeds are being updated
Updated libopenmpt (in_mod.dll) to (2 Oct 2019)