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Author Topic: Winamp Maki Script Decompiler  (Read 741 times)


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Winamp Maki Script Decompiler
« on: August 08, 2024, 01:44:55 AM »

I started a project in 2019 and I've been modifying it little by little. I ended up reusing some scripts to create a perfect MP11 skin. It was very realistic, but it contains some errors and other modifications that I would like to make.
I've looked everywhere on the internet and I can't find anything that can decrypt this file.

After 20 years, does anyone know how to solve this?
Please help me.


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Re: Winamp Maki Script Decompiler
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2024, 11:43:55 AM »
There's never been a 100% viable maki script file decompiler & what has been out there either is a pain to get setup or it doesn't give you things in manner that'll be nice to work with (since the m -> maki process will remove any of the code comments, etc that make the source a bit more understandable). So I'm not sure what else it is you're trying to do but you'd be better trying to re-find the skin(s) that you've taken things from & see if there's the .m file(s) that were included with them to create the maki files as a reasonable number of skinners often provided those files around.
