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Author Topic: Save ML Window Configurations on a per Skin basis  (Read 7558 times)


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Save ML Window Configurations on a per Skin basis
« on: June 26, 2017, 07:47:22 PM »
I like changing the UI skin from time to time to get a different look. A long standing frustration of mine is having to re-adjust how the media library's panes and columns are displayed when changing between skins I had previously setup (or when changing between the usual and maximized window sizes in the same skin). It is rare that the same, less than maximized, size is appropriate for all the skins in my collection. While some positioning aspects are saved on a per skin basis in the "studio.xnf" file (for the last overall size used), other positioning aspects are saved in the "gen_ml.ini" file on a global basis for all skins.

The need to re-adjust column widths (and other things) to best fit the overall space available in the ML window to eliminate or reduce the need for side-to-side scrolling (while still being able to see all, or a useful amount, of the info displayed) may be a reason why some users don't use the media library. Although, bigger reasons are probably a general reluctance to change any of the app's defaults and the need to ensure each media file contains the minimum, accurate, metadata tags needed to make the ML useful.

At a minimum, saving all possible positioning aspects on a per skin basis (for the maximized and the usual overall window sizes) would be greatly appreciated, imo. Furthermore, saving the skin-based ML content categories used (e.g. the specific sub-panes and columns used) on a per skin basis (for the maximized and the usual overall window sizes) would also be helpful. I understand that some of the ML content categories are selected in general preferences and are not dependent on the skin being used.
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Re: Save ML Window Configurations on a per Skin basis
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2017, 03:43:08 PM »
I fully understand the reasons for this wish and could do with it myself at times but I can't think off a nice way that it can be achieved without all library plug-ins being opt-ed into a system that allows for tracking the settings per-skin.

A big part of the issue is that the library window (and in turn the views) just work with the size of the library window container so the position of the library window sizer bar should be able to be made into a per-skin setting but the library views aren't simple to try and override. Also I'm not sure if when using a modern skin if it'd be possible within non-skin based code to detect normal vs maximised layouts (maybe within Winamp3 it could but as there's not much of the modern skin engine exposed in the 5.x setup that skin + plug-in interoperability is sadly very low).



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Re: Save ML Window Configurations on a per Skin basis
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2017, 04:34:47 PM »
I was kinda expecting that there are good reasons why this wasn't being done already.

Anyway, I don't change skins often and usually view the ML maximized. I've also gotten pretty fast at making re-adjustments within the ML window when needed. :)
Windows 11 Home 64-bit v24H2
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Re: Save ML Window Configurations on a per Skin basis
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2017, 03:05:29 AM »
Maybe the new profile.ini option can be used for this? If I'm understanding right the purpose and reach of that, maybe a rustic way to implement this is exchanging profiles (manually?) based on the skin selected..


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Re: Save ML Window Configurations on a per Skin basis
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2017, 02:28:30 PM »
The filename is a bit of a misnomer as it's really 'plug-in profile' but with other files already using 'plugin' it ended up as 'profile'. The file is just for controlling which plug-ins can be loaded. I think what you're proposing can already be done but it involves specifying a completely different settings folder which isn't ideal as you can't easily keep things in sync. So the best that can be done comes down to things like proportional sizing of the views vs the container window but that comes with issues as well.
