I'm really sorry if I speak out of line, or if I anger anyone with this post, but I'm just being honest and trying to get my opinions/feedback to the devs

These are MY opinoins, so feel free to disagree, but keep it civil

I started using Winamp around 1998/99 on my Pentium. The computer was connected to my 2 bridged NAD amplifiers which fed my 2 Cerwin Vega! E-315 speakers. This was a modern and great way to play music at home, and it was really great when I threw parties...
My 2 cents:
Now, I'm sorry to say this, but Winamp in it's current state isn't modern. It doesn't offer anything that other apps/services/clients don't offer. The only thing it's got going for it is the great GUI and the plugin-support. So in order to really get this project off the ground, and get a growing user-base, features will need to be added/modernized.
The two most important features for me right now is:
1. Casting/AirPlay
2. Support for both local and online music (Spotify, Google Music, iTunes)
Since the official client for Spotify supports both local files, and Casting/AirPlay, most users won't be bothered to switch to another platform/client. BUT if Casting/AirPlay, and MORE than one online-service was supported, then this would make WACUP the ONLY solution for this.
Imagine this:
Mixing tracks from Google Music, Spotify, your iTunes library, and local files in ONE playlist... Then casting it to a chromecast/apple-tv that is connected to your AV/surrond-reciever

Now if you could connect a cell-phone/tablet to WACUP over WiFi as a remote-control(jump-to-file, previous, next, play, pause etc) this would be even better. Casting videos would also be cool, since I don't think there are any media-players on Windows that can cast/airplay local videos to chromecast/apple-tv yet.
The ultimate casting experience:
If the output of any selected vis-plugin could be captured to a video stream on-the-fly, and synced with audio-stream before both are sent to the ChromeCast/Apple-TV/etc. Even cover/album-art and track/title/artist/album/etc., could be overlayed to the video-stream if preferred.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to disregard anything in this post

and as always:
cat flames >/dev/null