As the title of the thread says, I need some input on which skin should be the default on new WACUP installs as we'll soon have 4 possible skins to choose from when making a WACUP install. I really don't know which one should be the default as there's numerous arguments depending on how we want to aim WACUP going forward or just what people's expectations are in terms of usability vs performance & resources (i.e. classic is much lligher-weight compared to a feature complete modern skin & whether a few seconds to load the skin is acceptable or not)
The skins we'll have are:
- 2.x base skin (with WACUP tweaks)
- Big Bento Modern (BBM)
- Big Bento / Bento (Winamp default from 5.5 to 5.666)
- Winamp Modern (Winamp default from 5.0 to 5.35)
There are also some other possibilities to be considered...
The first is on a clean WACUP install (which would also cover updating an existing 5.666 install) we essentially force a skin to be selected as per the attached first_run_skin_selection_mock.png image (the layout & wording is just an initial spin on the idea so don't be too harsh


The second is we go with a default skin and instead have a 'pimp my skin' section on the installer skin selection page as per the attached pimp_the_skin_mock.png image which would possibly cycle through the screenshots of some of the other skins present so you can see what the others may look like.

Maybe both options make sense to implement or just the one (possibly the first option seems to be a better fit from the discord conversation that led to this thread & some comments in the BBM thread).
So over to you as I would probably go with classic & the forced skin selection on first run but my view on this will not be the final decision & it's what the majority vote or even what is a better suggestion that comes out from this that will end up being implemented

I'd also appreciate knowing why you think whichever option is the way to go or not as that definitely helped with the update system thread to make the feature work well.