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Author Topic: Big Bento Modern v1.2  (Read 253881 times)


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #135 on: January 07, 2019, 09:24:12 PM »
NP, I guess the outcome is the same, but can you try with right - click menu? (right-click on the visualization area of the skin). Does it work switching from there?


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #136 on: January 07, 2019, 09:46:02 PM »
Yes, right-click menu has the same result. :(
Rio :)


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #137 on: January 07, 2019, 10:10:26 PM »
The missing minus will be fixed for the next build of my skin.
Its also going to need a WACUP update to help get the hh:mm:ss case working correctly. As there's a bug in gen_ff where only if the number of hours in the longer format is zero that you see a minus symbol (it counts down correctly but will miss the minus off what's output & isn't something the skin can fix afaik).



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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #138 on: January 08, 2019, 03:52:14 PM »
Its also going to need a WACUP update to help get the hh:mm:ss case working correctly.

It's ONLY going to need a WACUP update, it's a total win on your side XD.

What I do need to do is a patch for a non-WACUP install, since the bug will still be present there. I'm not sure I'd be able to do that.. (I can show/hide an isolated minus sign based on a detection of a Winamp/WACUP install, but IDK if I can make it appear ONLY on a >1hr timer..


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #139 on: January 08, 2019, 04:01:03 PM »
I say you just leave it alone and let it be a winamp bug. Let them figure it out. Not that they care anyway.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #140 on: January 08, 2019, 04:01:12 PM »
Just drop the additional mode support for non-wacup installs ;)



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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #141 on: January 08, 2019, 04:15:46 PM »
Good idea, specially now that WACUP is public, no one has any excuse to not jump on board..


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #142 on: February 28, 2019, 04:02:29 PM »
I like that Wacup has a waveform for the timeline to seek, its much better, sadly I've always found the layout of bento to complete suck, why on earth is there not a skin where the timeline/waveseek covers the entire length of the gui, that way you can stretch it out as much as you want.

Closet I remember wa  MMD3 which was designed this way, and then ofc most the much better cPro skins.. actually really glad cPro is built into Wacup, haven't tested it yet, though I presume the cPro extensions will work aswel right?

Is there any docs on skinning and making your own cPro/Wacup skin? or better yet could anyone implement the waveform seek timeline into the my favourite cPro skin imo the most slickest of skins, hard to fault, though the lack of proper media icons would be a one fault.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #143 on: February 28, 2019, 10:56:14 PM »
MMD3 has (almost) side-to-side timeline? (actually called seeker) From memory I would say it covers 70% of the NON-RESIZABLE GUI (unless you're only referring to the cPro version). Compared to that, Big Bento Modern can cover some more I think (see attach). But if you don't like the overall layout then there's no use for that heh.

PS: Yes, cPro extensions are supported, it works just as on the original.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #144 on: March 01, 2019, 10:33:57 AM »
Well I've always considered bento to be pretty ugly in design, but would like to find some way of modding in that wavebar seeker timeline into the cpro insomnis skin, I just need some pointers on where to get started as bento isn't even a cpro skin and I have no idea where to start with skinning winamp.

Kinda wish was a modernized winamp skin system that just use html/css much like electron based apps.. would be great and cross platform, would be a huge boost to a newer skinning system for winamp.. the current xml based one is just so messy and the lack of being able to inspect elements and just do css styling is so much more easier.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #145 on: March 03, 2019, 05:45:52 PM »
Kinda wish was a modernized winamp skin system that just use html/css much like electron based apps.. would be great and cross platform, would be a huge boost to a newer skinning system for winamp.. the current xml based one is just so messy and the lack of being able to inspect elements and just do css styling is so much more easier.
There's nothing to stop someone making just that but the issue is more in whether you are then going to have people actually using it. Cross-platform isn't all that helpful unless the base player is able to support it or it's taken on by other players as a more standard skinning solution (which imho is probably not going to happen with the current state of play).

The other approach would be to transpile modern skins into something newer but you're then still in a position of effectively writing 2 skin engines - the new one & one that does the transpiling between what we have now & what is needed for the new solution. Maybe that is a better solution for the long term (as it's a viable thing for Milkdrop / AVS presets) but it's still got to have interest from people to start coding it & the additional is does having an effective browser as the ui make sense (my initial thoughts are marred by the demise of songbird which was doing just that).

Will leave victhor to help with the other part of the post as he knows better about what needs to be considered.



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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #146 on: March 03, 2019, 11:40:32 PM »
Well maybe it isn't ideal but there is really only 3 reasons I still use Winamp these days.. one is my medialibrary and second is the chapterlist plugin for cpro and I guess 3rd is cpro single gui type skins, trying to make in something similar to all that winamp in that foobar garbage isn't that easy.... both medialibrary and chapterlist have been in use for many years and have so much data on the music I play that its hard to just move to another media player.

Still I've been thinking starting a pet project using javafx or Unity for a crossplatform media player and just re-implementing chapterlist its such a simple extension but so useful for me, and with the direction Unity is going with supporting low end stuff better on mobile and also the Project Tiny, I dunno maybe just make my own is the way to least I could design the frontend the way I always wanted and I never minded a single gui, winamps detachable windows only ever worked for classic skins and I never really cared for it much as I always wanted the medialibrary and playlist in view (playlist also never bothered supporting tabs an inimproved playlist view like aimp or foobar) and then cPro ext and skins worked so well.. but none of these modern skins for winamp were all that friendly for people to make new skins or customize layout...

 maki and xml are just not great anymore to use, bit of dying art doing anything for winamp in terms of skinning or even plugins... so yeah glad Wacup exists it will hold me out for a while, plus I'm on win10 and the official winamp is broken with cpro, but for me I see cross platform (linux/android/ windows) being where I'd rather go and have a media player that works across them all and not having to find some inferior one to use.. I'm still so shocked spotifiy media player is so bloody crap and they get shittons of money.. so adding support for that (ie premium account support can use the api to get complete songs) would also be a thing to do (I believe there is already a unity asset supporting that functionality so it would be a good start) .. not even a fan of electron can't stand javascrap over usage in the industry but the chrome dev inspector works so well and css/html element layouts are something anyone could get into making skins for so that's really the only reason I mentioned it, but yeah it wouldn't be easy to support.

Abhijit A

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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #147 on: April 17, 2019, 04:13:01 PM »
I have observed that while using Hindi Unicode language in song title, the upper portion of the song title text is cut in the file info section of the skin. The song ticker shows the song title properly. please see the attached image.  This happens only in file info area. all other places (Playlist & Local library) shows the song title properly.

Similarly the file info artist Unicode text is cut at the bottom edge.

For the reference; the Hindi language have character having  accents below & above standard text size. Attaching another image to show the spacing needed above and below. this image might help in knowing size requirements for line height

edited for Attachment sequence: Unicode _Display shows the file info and song ticker where text is being cut. Unicode_Extends shows the character size requirement ffor reference
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 04:15:36 PM by abhijitat »


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #148 on: April 21, 2019, 04:09:10 AM »
Thanks for the heads up, I'm glad to see my skin is being used in Hindi too (and more or less making the cut heh). I'll see what I can do about it since that part of the skin (File info's text lines) is one of the trickiest. Hopefully I'll be able to increase the line height without moving the actual text position too much.

Abhijit A

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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.13
« Reply #149 on: April 22, 2019, 03:14:01 AM »
Thanks for the heads up, I'm glad to see my skin is being used in Hindi too (and more or less making the cut heh). I'll see what I can do about it since that part of the skin (File info's text lines) is one of the trickiest. Hopefully I'll be able to increase the line height without moving the actual text position too much.

Thanks for acknowledgement. this can be on low priority as we can easily read the words. i wanted to help; to make this skin a really perfect one. It's already a good skin for daily use. i have stopped using other skins.