Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« Last post by Matsuriko on Today at 02:33:32 AM »
I wanted to ask another small thing that i just noticed recently unrelated to wacup itself but with the notifier in the skin, and was looking for information online when i noticed that Ariszlo was the one who uploaded the notifier replacent, so im just going to ask here hope its not a problem.

Does the notifier have any problems with fonts?
Cant remember a this moment (nor i have the version i was using before to check in this moment) if it was working in old winamp, but with wacup, is not showing japanese characters even tho wacup can show them, both with the default font of the notifier (ariel) and the font from the old notifier (ms gothic), maybe im just doing somenthing wrong?
It's trying to work out things based on the actual audio data values being received instead of using something that's doing smarter analysis of the audio data (something I need to get around to doing but the simpler mode was decent enough when I made the plug-in which was then merged into the wacup core). Depending on what else might be going on, a zero check might be enough or it needs to be changed with the extreme top/low values being more there if something weird is going on but if it's working for your setup then I'd just stick with it tbqh.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Can't Play aac or wma Files
« Last post by dro on Yesterday at 07:12:46 PM »
I've yet to sort out seeking support but that's good to know that raw aac files are able to play (getting that implemented a few builds back helped to then get the streaming support implemented). Seeking support is already on my todo list as it seems a few of you out there play raw aac files instead of having them put in an mp4 file container.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Bookmarks - Max Number?
« Last post by dro on Yesterday at 07:11:12 PM »
Not sure why you're manually editing the bookmark files when the library view should be all that's needed to do it. Line breaks are part of the not really documented bm/bm8 file spec (not that it's hard for path & title being on separate lines) though maybe I should be a bit more lenient in my handling in case the file is being manually edited as seems to have been happening here.

The bmc file is a supporting file that allows for other info that winamp didn't offer which was from my categoriser plug-in & has been expanded upon with time so its not really something to be messed with tbh & the running view handling keeps things in-sync between the files.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Bookmarks - Max Number?
« Last post by arealhuman on October 03, 2024, 12:56:34 PM »

In the .bm and .bm8 files, you need to hit return to a new line after your last bookmark, otherwise WACUP doesn't recognise the last bookmark in the list.

 :) :) :)
Preview Build Discussion / Bookmarks - Max Number?
« Last post by arealhuman on October 03, 2024, 11:02:12 AM »
Hi All,

Just updating my bookmarks in WACUP.  I have 7 but WACUP will only list 6 in the list when the clicking menu button > bookmarks (using Big Bento Modern if that's useful).  Bookmarks have been added to the and winamp.bm8 files in the C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\WACUP directory.

At first I thought I had mis-typed something, but I've changed the order around in which they appear and the list is there, just a maximum of 6.  I also tried adding the bookmarks to the winamp.bmc file as per this thread but it didn't seem to make a difference.  Noticeably this file contained 6 uid strings which are letters/numbers I can't equate to my bookmark entries, so perhaps this is where the issue lies.

Any advice of nailing this down appreciated!  Thanks everyone for their work with WACUP.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Can't Play aac or wma Files
« Last post by arealhuman on October 03, 2024, 10:45:23 AM »
Hi All, just to report that I've installed build 20202 and aac files play, although can't be skipped by dragging the playback slider or whatever it's called.  Only posting as a progress report, not a request for action!  Thanks again for the help :-)
General Discussion / Re: Winamp source code to be released
« Last post by dro on October 01, 2024, 09:45:53 AM »
I cannot make any use of their code & doing so would prevent any wacup build being provided that makes use of it per their intentionally restrictive licence. I also don't want to be giving them my time & effort for free. A gen_ff replacement was always on the to-do list & still is so as long as I can keep developing wacup then it'll eventually happen.

Preview Build Discussion / What does "silence threshold" under Silence Detection do?
« Last post by Phuntso on October 01, 2024, 07:25:43 AM »
To get my silence detector to relaunch the playback if internet drops in my case, I randomly whacked it to some four digit negative number and It worked. But what does it actually do?
General Discussion / Re: Winamp source code to be released
« Last post by Phuntso on October 01, 2024, 07:11:55 AM »
I bet they simply wanted others to fix their issues for them. :D

Oh hey, maybe you can convert the gen_ff to x64 to allow WACUP x64 have Modern Skin Support?
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