Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - dbond66

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Wmote Server Plugin Integration
« on: February 09, 2023, 04:45:30 AM »
Unfortunately all the links seems to be defunct now. Maybe it's been discontinued. The plugin is ml_Wmoteserver.dll. Is there another app that allows you to remotely manage the WACUP playlist queue - dynamically add/delete songs to the WACUP playlist queue from an iPad? This functionality and visualizations are the two features I cannot find in any app other than Winamp.

General Discussion / Wmote Server Plugin Integration
« on: February 08, 2023, 08:56:50 PM »
Has anyone gotten the Wmote server plugin and App to function? Please let me know how. Theoretically it should work as it does with Winamp.

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