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Author Topic: Many bugs  (Read 7099 times)


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Many bugs
« on: December 29, 2022, 10:20:31 AM »
Hi, I started using Wacup maybe a week ago. I initially was looking for Winamp replacement, because I was having a weird bug where mouse cursor would stutter every time a song starts and nothing would fix it (and it seems to be Windows installation specific, because I've had installations where it was not present and installations where it was), and I'm happy that I found Wacup and that this bug seems to be resolved here, however, I'm encountering a not an insignificant amount of new bugs, that were never present in Winamp. I hope they'll be fixed. Though I'm not sure if the public preview version will be updated. It seems like the beta is where the development is at, and my message to get into it was ignored, so...

Regardless, here's the list of bugs:

-When selecting next/previous track when playback isn't playing, the highlighted track in the playlist doesn't update. It does move to the next/previous track and updates track information in the main player window, but doesn't move highlighted track in the playlist window, which is kinda annoying and can be very confusing.
-When adding more files to the playlist above currently selected/playing track, it looses what track is selected in the playlist and seemingly goes to a random track. Sometimes the first in the playlist, sometimes some other track. Also quite annoying and confusing. Doesn't happen if you add more tracks below the currently selected/playing one.
-When calculating replay gain, sometimes replay gain window closes when you press "save as track"/"save as album", but most of the time it doesn't and has to be closed manually. When it's just one file it's kinda 50/50 on closing itself as it should. When it's multiple files it almost never closes itself.
-Sometimes it just crashes when playing. Haven't figured out any pattern for it, only happened a couple of times so far.
-Global hotkey for "Stop" and "Stop after current" don't work. It just doesn't. All other global hotkeys work, but not this one. "Stop with fadeout" works and maybe "Stop after current", I haven't much tested that one, but regular "Stop" just doesn't work.
-When I use media keys for "Stop", sometimes it switches to "advance to next after stop" by itself. It drove me nuts when it happened for the first time, and it happened a couple times since. Also I don't ever use the mouse for playback controls, so I couldn't just alt+clicked by accident.
-This one might be skin specific, but the one I use (ebonite 2.0) has a separate album art window to view it in higher resolution, and a couple of times it would just stop showing anything. Album art would still show up as normal in the main player window, but the separate album art window would be empty.

At this point I want to repeat that all these bugs weren't present in the og Winamp, and I've used it for almost a decade with the same skin and have never encountered any of these.

Not necessarily a bug:
-I don't know if that's skin specific, but on ebonite 2.0 skin that I use, there was an empty space near the bottom or the playlist, right before add/remove/select/ect, where you could click and make the selection highlight go away. Now that space is occupied by more playlist and now there's literally no place where you can click to make the selection go away. It's a small thing, but I like having an ability to do that.
-Preference window doesn't save it's position. If you prefer that behavior I'd like to see an option to have back it's previous behavior of saving it's position.
-One time a format converter started by itself. I don't know if there's a hotkey for it or it's just wild like that (aka a bug). If there are hidden new hotkeys it would be nice to have them somewhere in the preferences. At least just to see them and know what they are (and know what to avoid).

I personally haven't really used any new crazy functionality you're adding here. I'm here mostly to have that playback bug fixed so my mouse wouldn't stutter every time a new song starts, and I'm glad that you've fixed it. That's great. However it would be nice if you would also fix all these new bugs that have been introduced. I still will prefer to deal with all of these that the stutter bug, but it would be great if this mod was a pure value add and not a bug tradeoff.


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Re: Many bugs
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2022, 09:18:59 PM »
When I'm back from a needed rest after the new year I'll read through the above & any PM's that have been sent.



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Re: Many bugs
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2022, 03:52:41 AM »
Sure thing.

Also, it doesn't appear that I can edit my post, so I'll just add what needs to be fixed here.
-Global hotkey for "Stop" and "Stop after current" don't work. It just doesn't. All other global hotkeys work, but not this one. "Stop with fadeout" works and maybe "Stop after current", I haven't much tested that one, but regular "Stop" just doesn't work.
This part is a little confusing because I rewrote it and didn't fully deleted some parts by accident. Basically, global hotkey for "Stop" doesn't work and I think "Stop after current" also doesn't work, but I only tested that one a couple times, so I'm not 100% sure. The global hotkey for regular "Stop" though doesn't work for sure. I tried many times, across multiple days. Eventually had to give up and move to media keys.

And another bug I forgot to add: it ignores replay gain for flac files.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2022, 03:59:25 AM by Yoksven »


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Re: Many bugs
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2022, 07:19:56 AM »
I need to add another correction.

Not necessarily a bug:
-Preference window doesn't save it's position. If you prefer that behavior I'd like to see an option to have back it's previous behavior of saving it's position.

Apparently it can save the position, but only if you close the preference window before you close Wacup. If you close Wacup while preferences are still opened, it won't save it's last position. So that one can be crossed out. It's still different from Winamp's default behavior that saves the position without the need of closing the window, but it's not significant enough to put efforts into.


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Re: Many bugs
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2023, 10:13:20 AM »
One more bug that I forgot to mention. So that space in the bottom of the playlist that used to be empty and now it's more of the playlist (by the way, I've checked other skins and it's not skin specific), so if you double click the track in that space it won't play it, but instead will just to the track after the one you've clicked. And this is not skin specific. On default Bendo skins it also does that. I'd still prefer it to be empty and server a function of removing the highlight, but at the very least it should work as you expect as a part of the playlist.


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Re: Many bugs
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2023, 01:26:35 AM »
An error-free way of un-selecting anything in the Playlist Editor is to use the command in the context menu that appears when you right-click the "SEL" button on the bottom left side of the PE window. Or, you can use the "Ctrl+Shift+A" keyboard hot key when the PE window is the active window.
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