Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #19994 (August 29th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs) | Latest WACUP public preview is build #19994 (August 29th 2024) (x86 only)

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Messages - yuunarii

Pages: [1]
Preview Build Discussion / Re: SMTC not using album artist
« on: January 23, 2024, 12:53:56 PM »
Oh no worries!! I don't expect you to start fiddling with a script in a language you're not familiar with!! Was more just wanting to confirm that everything works properly on the Wacup end, so that it's clear the issue is on the python script end.
In that case I'll be sure to take all this info to the dev of the script in question.

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this issue, I really appreciate it!!

Preview Build Discussion / Re: SMTC not using album artist
« on: January 19, 2024, 06:01:40 PM »
Ah alright that's good to know!!

Ah alright then!! If your code is outputting the albumartist tag just fine on your end, then it indeed must be something within the python script that's going wrong.

And yep the original python script doesn't have anything albumartist related. I tried replacing all instances where "artist" is used with "album_artist", which luckily does keep the script functional. But like I mentioned, it still will display the artist value. I really have no clue why.

If it's any help to you, apparently the python script uses the winsdk library to build. According to the Stackoverflow post, the current_media_info[] object holds the following values (see attachment). I'm personally not familiar with python either.

Do you recommend I reach out to the python script author instead about this issue?

Preview Build Discussion / Re: SMTC not using album artist
« on: January 19, 2024, 04:11:13 PM »
Ah I see. So would it be better to store all songs in the local library, and create playlists from there? What I normally do is just drag songs directly from my PC into a playlist, without loading them into Winamp's library.

There's not really a way for me to properly test it outside of trial and error. I primarily am trying to use a python script to display songs that are currently playing in Winamp/Wacup. By default the script uses artist, but I managed to change it to album_artist, without it breaking. Initially I thought the issue might have been with the python script, as it wasn't recognizing "albumartist" and kept crashing. Later I found out that you're supposed to use album_artist. That works.
If you wish to check it for yourself, it's the script made by this person:
I think the script uses something called asyncio in order to get the media info. Here's the post I used for info on that:

I just assumed because the script still runs properly, and the other meta data (title) is displayed correctly, that the issue may lay with the SMTC plugin. Again apologies for my ignorance!! I'm not very familiar with this sort of stuff. I kinda had hoped it would have been as easy as just changing "artist" to "albumartist" haha.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: SMTC not using album artist
« on: January 19, 2024, 02:26:47 PM »
Thank you for responding so quickly!!
All songs are played from a local winamp/wacup playlist. So I'm assuming that falls under local library? The songs in questions all possess album artist meta data tags.

I tried disabling the "artist for album artist" and also refreshing the cached playlist details. No luck sadly. It still displays the artist in the application I use (the application is set to use the albumartist).

The albumartist displays just fine in the title details (I adjusted the title formatting to be [%albumartist% - ]$if2(%title%,$filepart(%filename%))), so I'd like to assume the local library is able to read that value.

Ahhh that explains it!! I ran into the exact same stuff when using NanMetal's plugin for winamp. It didn't fetch any AlbumArtist data, and instead used Artist as replacement. I'm assuming we're looking at the same files, so I attached some screenshots of code with highlighted bits where I changed/added some stuff. (First 2 attachments are in winamp.cs, 3rd attachment is in SystemMediaTransportControl.cs).
Unfortunately I don't know enough about Winamp to compile the code into a plugin, so I wasn't able to test it.

Preview Build Discussion / SMTC not using album artist
« on: January 19, 2024, 10:45:58 AM »
Hello there!!

I recently was suggested to check out Wacup, after struggling with getting this SMTC plugin: to work properly with Winamp. The problem with this first plugin was that it apparently used the artist info in place of the AlbumArtist. I figured out the pieces of code I had to edit/add to change it, but I'm not that tech savvy, so I didn't quite know how to compile the raw code back into a plugin.

I was super happy to see Wacup came with build-in SMTC capabilities. However when I tried using it, I ran into the same issue. The AlbumArtist was using the same value as Artist. Because I don't have access to the raw code this time, I can't check if this plugin has the same quirk as the original Winamp plugin I used. If it does, I'd be very thankful if this could be changed!!

For some context, a lot of songs I listen to are from albums that have a variety of artists working on under the same album artist group name. Hence why I'd prefer to be able to display the Album Artist.

Thank you very much in advance!!  :)

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