Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - seaspray

Pages: [1]
Wishlist / Feature Requests / "Stop after track" option in playlist editor
« on: February 11, 2024, 09:35:56 AM »
The only feature I miss from MusicBee is the ability to set a "Stop after track" flag on a playlist entry. So useful.

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