Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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General Discussion / Re: Winamp ML import
« Last post by DJay on January 06, 2025, 01:56:19 PM »
I did the import via WACUP import legacy and it's better, but a lot of statistical data was lost in the process. In "Never Played" I have 9021 items vs. 1039 in Winamp out of 14860 in total. More than half of the ratings were also lost, 350 vs. 761.
I'm using Winamp v5.9.2, but I probably started with v1.x. I sent you the files via PM, take a look when you have a free moment. I'd be grateful.
Preview Build Discussion / Re: Issues opening multiple files?
« Last post by dro on January 06, 2025, 01:27:10 PM »
I already have it set to disallow multiple instances from the settings by the way, so I take it it has to be a bug of some kind.
I'm on the latest public preview build as of this post, is this being looked into on betas? Or has there been attention brought to the issue already, at least?
It's come up a few times though I don't know how common of an issue it might be as I often seem to not get direct reports about issues (aka having to trawl through social media posts) so thank you for taking the time to report it.

If multiple instances are being launched then my first hunch is it might be due to a permissions issue or a form of process isolation which would then prevent the handling that's run on loading to try to find existing wacup instances to fail as that's how that stuff generally behaves afaict. It however doesn't seem to account for how you've described things as seemingly starting all of those instances at the same time instead of it being a gradual cascade from the first to last instance.

My other hunch especially with what you've described about files missing when it is already running could even be due to the processes that have been spawned potentially failing / silent crashing. This might be more likely & from feedback from one tester with the current beta vs issues seen with the preview build seemed to resolve what was a slow / laggy response to start & iirc that was sometimes causing other instances to begin due to the timeout that's in place to deal with hung / failed processes timing out.

One thing you could try out is seeing in Task Manager's details view & sorting by exe name if any werfault instances (windows error reporting handling) are appearing at around the same time as you're triggering trying to get the files into WACUP.

I also could do with knowing what skin you're using & if you're using a modern style skin another thing is to try using a classic skin just to see if the reduced loading overhead of those skins makes any difference or not (I suspect it likely won't & is something else going on).

Final thought for now is if you've got the local library enabled & if so roughly how many items are in it. As going to preferences -> media library & temporarily trying this out with the whole media library disabled might also be useful to rule out some ideas I've got.
General Discussion / Re: Winamp ML import
« Last post by dro on January 06, 2025, 12:06:24 PM »
I'd really need to know what version of winamp you were trying to import from. As the import action I offer (accessed via the empty local library window or by going through media library window -> library button -> import -> import legacy (external) db) just needs to be pointed at an existing winamp settings folder (usually %appdata%\winamp) & as long as it's in the appropriate format then it should work.

I've only really tested the import action with copies of the local library from 5.63 to 5.666 specifically though I was given a set of main.dat/main.idx files last year from newer revision & my local library plug-in was able to import them without issue. If it's from a much older local library instance then it's most likely the layout of the columns might not be in the order that I'm expecting which would then prevent the import from seeing all of the data.

If needed you can message me a copy of the existing main.dat/main.idx from the winamp install you're trying to import so I can then check them out & if needed fix my importer &/or generate an appropriate copy of the library.dat/.idx files wacup uses for you to use with it.
General Discussion / Re: album art overview
« Last post by dro on January 06, 2025, 11:54:49 AM »
That is what I'd expect the details view mode in my local library plug-in to currently look like as I didn't want to do a like for like replication of winamp's look for those items.

When items are selected in that mode the background colour of the text should change (as long as the skin being used defines things in a manner which makes it visually obvious) but I'm currently using a simpler way to achieve the details mode which I will need to come back to trying to expand upon but I was aiming more at just getting something that was working vs eye candy & which also worked ok under WINE based setups.
General Discussion / Re: album art overview
« Last post by DJay on January 05, 2025, 11:51:54 PM »
I just installed and I have this view. Is this the normal view? I mean no spaces and separator between rows. The background color of the rows does not change either.

General Discussion / Winamp ML import
« Last post by DJay on January 05, 2025, 10:06:52 PM »
First of all thanks for the effort you put into this project, keep it up.
As for my problem, I copied what I think are all the necessary files from the Winamp ML folder and everything looks good except for what was most important to me, which was statistics. No "Play count" and "Rating" on tracks, so also empty in "Most Played", "Top Played", etc. Is there any other way to import in such a way as to keep this data? My dB is over 25 years old ;)
General Discussion / Re: Swap Left and Right Channels ...
« Last post by MourningStar on January 04, 2025, 09:15:40 PM »
your most welcome - you will find these utilities also at sourceforge.
General Discussion / Re: Swap Left and Right Channels ...
« Last post by Aminifu on January 04, 2025, 08:37:04 PM »

Sounds like I need to look into the Peace EQ. The AC3Filter code is limited to 5.1. I have been holding back on moving to a 7.1 speaker system because of that.  :)

Thank you for mentioning it!
General Discussion / Re: Swap Left and Right Channels ...
« Last post by MourningStar on January 04, 2025, 07:24:49 PM »
Peace EQ also does this matrix up to 7.1 (in addition to having my for-dummies swap button). Since the Peace utility applies to all pc media it not only enhances all my media (audio & video) players but youtube, instagram, etc. and all other streaming sources (netfix, spotify, etc.) as well.

Happy New Year and all blessings to you and yours!
General Discussion / Re: Swap Left and Right Channels ...
« Last post by Aminifu on January 04, 2025, 03:57:45 AM »
Ok, no problems. I have a 5.1 speaker system and wanted a custom way to direct the stereo channels to all my speakers.

Happy New Year!
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