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Author Topic: allow to get past windows firewall control for streaming  (Read 5567 times)


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allow to get past windows firewall control for streaming
« on: July 02, 2020, 11:25:17 AM »
I'm using the windows firewall control and to enable streaming i have to whitelist the executabele. But i was not succesfull whitelisting wacup.exe, it refuses to connect to the server, plain winamp will do, what can i do?


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Re: allow to get past windows firewall control for streaming
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2020, 04:48:40 PM »
Try whitelisting the winamp.original process as that's the main process where things are running within once WACUP starts.



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Re: allow to get past windows firewall control for streaming
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2020, 05:08:02 PM »

To whitelist it asks for an executable file, ie, exe, dll or bin. I tried whitelisting wacup.exe, both in and outbound as this is what i did in winamp, to be sure i also whitelisted in_mp3.dll. No succes yet.

Meanwhile i am using the shibatch in_mpg123.dll (version 1.18y ot112.1) as for me the replay gain seems broken, just as in winamp 3660 (i read it's the same in_mp3.dll), and that shibatch one seems does a better job at it.

I just saw this project today and i'm interested. I prefer winamp to other players because i build my music system around it, i use the windows message feature to detect which song is playing and it's length and such, and i'm very attached to my pioneer skin and homeboy vu meters. You seem very dedicated, thanks for your work, i made a small donation. I might become beta tester. If you could look into the replay gain issue that would be great too.

Happy coding, Jean.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 06:08:23 PM by JeanCr »


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Re: allow to get past windows firewall control for streaming
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2020, 06:12:30 PM »
Are you trying to stream from Winamp/WACUP or just play streams within it? As inbound generally shouldn't need whitelisting with the Windows firewall unless you've altered the defaults / locked it down / using 3rd party firewalls. For outbound the OS should have auto-prompted from what I'm seeing with a new test install & attempting to start WACUP's built-in streaming server.

What's the replay gain related issue that you're having? As to the best of my knowledge it should be working with in_mp3 (WACUP uses the one from 5.666 build 3512 & not what is used with the 5.8 beta) as long as the replay gain mode is enabled in the preferences (via the Playback preferences page) & that there's the appropriate in-tag metadata to use otherwise it'll just use the configured default adjustment level.

in_mpg123 is a whole different beast & it'll be down to how it's been coded as to what is or isn't being done & it won't afaik be making use of the Winamp/WACUP preferences to control the handling.

Dedicated vs being foolish on my part is a thin line & thank you 8)

« Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 06:14:04 PM by dro »


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Re: allow to get past windows firewall control for streaming
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2020, 06:32:23 PM »
It's just an ordinairy stream, but i am using a third party firewall been using that for years now. If i turn it off, streaming works.

As for the replay gain (rp), well i'd love to have it working believe me, been searching for hours after i made the switch from rocksteady/audiostocker brand. The issue is that is it not working well, songs differ too much in volume, i even have a sound meter on the phone to check the DB level, but i don't need it to hear that it is not working ok. I checked the tags, they all have rp info. Btw I would love some indicator in the main window to show the rp value, as in my case it would be great for debugging.

So no luck yet it seems.

ps i'm using track gain and i assume that works by analyze a song to find the max volume, and adjust accordingly. But in_mp3 replaygain can play one song wit a max of 45 db and the next with 50 wich is quite a difference.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 06:38:17 PM by JeanCr »