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Author Topic: Winamp does not resume from sleep  (Read 5656 times)


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Winamp does not resume from sleep
« on: March 27, 2020, 04:38:41 PM »
I have a dedicated windows 10 computer in my stereo cabinet that I use for internet radio and to play my sum what large digitized music library.
I set up the computer to be as "wife friendly" as possible, I designated one of the buttons on the computer to put the computer to sleep, we
use this button to turn off our music system every night, the next morning we push the power button on the computer to wake up the system and
start playing our music, typically within 30 seconds all applications except winamp starts playing where they left off, but Winamp does not resume and must
be manually re-started regardless of the settings in winamp.
Not a big deal but should probably be added to the bug list.
Music Addict


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Re: Winamp does not resume from sleep
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2020, 12:43:10 PM »
What output plug-in are you using?

As it should work already unless something weird is going on with the output device & is something that needs to be considered (especially with some setups that are putting it to sleep with the streaming output running). Maybe it'd be better if it halts playback itself when it detects a sleep commencing & then restores the playback position when it's re-loaded.



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Re: Winamp does not resume from sleep
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2020, 07:06:31 PM »
I remember my confusion when I initially looked at the output plugins option and saw what appears that almost every output plugin option is checked (see attached), but when I click on the configure button I get a "Nullsoft Direct Sound" config dialog.
Your Idea  to "halt playback itself when it detects a sleep commencing & then restore the playback position when it's re-loaded" sounds like a great method to resolve the issue.
I just messed around a little and noticed that when Winamp is closed (File -> Exit) it resumes the playback position and starts playing even if winamp was paused when it was closed.

I really appreciate you & your teams hard work!
Music Addict


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Re: Winamp does not resume from sleep
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2020, 03:21:18 PM »
The checkbox is so it's possible to enable/disable plug-ins & I knew in some cases it might cause confusion but it's about the only sensible way to include that long needed feature without having unrelated options to control it.

The output plug-in page bases what's used on the selected item (is mentioned in the header text of the view) & so what's selected can then be configured. I am however thinking that it might be worth breaking the long expected behaviour of how that preferences page works so what's 'active' is in a dropdown at the top (though that's a bit less convenient it might remove some of the ambiguity) but that won't help if I add support for multiple output plug-ins being used so it'll probably have to stay like this for the time being.

Preferences -> Playback -> Autoplay -> there's options on there to turn off that restore behaviour.
