Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

Author Topic: A few observations...  (Read 10094 times)


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A few observations...
« on: January 19, 2019, 11:52:38 PM »
First, searching in the library (not legacy, new) always sends me back to the top once I close the search. Minor annoyance.
Second, I'm running my WACUP on a remote desktop, and every time I log into the desktop, WACUP closes. I can reopen it no problem and it resumes as though nothing happens, but also an annoyance.
Third, is there an option to follow along with whats playing in the playlist? I always have to scroll to look for it.. Honestly have looked for an option/setting I may have missed to have the playlist follow along with now playing, to no avail. I could have sworn original winamp did this at some point, but I may be mixing it up with Clementine.

Also, PSA option appears broken. It plays a file in the playlist for about 5 seconds, plays PSA, then restarts currently playing song for 5 seconds, plays PSA, repeat so on and so forth. I'm using WACUP for a radio project (talk about jumping the gun! Already using it in production, lol), so that option would be great to have working (well, if I could add a folder and set it to pick one randomly every # songs, it'd be perfect...)

Definitely heading in the right direction, though.

If I can be of any assistance in helping to diagnose further issues, please let me know what I can do. Otherwise, keep up the excellent work.


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Re: A few observations...
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2019, 04:38:36 PM »
First, searching in the library (not legacy, new) always sends me back to the top once I close the search. Minor annoyance.
Can you post a  screenshot of the library view please - that'll make it easier for me to replicate things on my side as there's a number of view combinations.

Second, I'm running my WACUP on a remote desktop, and every time I log into the desktop, WACUP closes. I can reopen it no problem and it resumes as though nothing happens, but also an annoyance.
That sounds more like a remote desktop issue - it's definitely not something I'm intentionally doing / looking for. There might be an OS setting that needs to be changed as I vaguely remember a similar issues with the early beta builds but I can't find the details at the moment (was either on this forum or via emails but I'm drawing a blank).

Third, is there an option to follow along with whats playing in the playlist? I always have to scroll to look for it.. Honestly have looked for an option/setting I may have missed to have the playlist follow along with now playing, to no avail. I could have sworn original winamp did this at some point, but I may be mixing it up with Clementine.
That's in the known issues along with the workaround. It's already fixed in the first beta build after the preview build & there'll be an updated preview build out hopefully by the end of this week which will include that fix.

Also, PSA option appears broken. It plays a file in the playlist for about 5 seconds, plays PSA, then restarts currently playing song for 5 seconds, plays PSA, repeat so on and so forth.
I'll need to look into it as it's a few months since I implemented & tested the feature - just a bit odd that it'd be broken when it had been confirmed as working well by the user testing it along with me.

I'm using WACUP for a radio project (talk about jumping the gun! Already using it in production, lol), so that option would be great to have working (well, if I could add a folder and set it to pick one randomly every # songs, it'd be perfect...)
That's something which is already on the cards but I guess without it working 100% with a single file I will hold off on doing this until the above issue is resolved.

With picking it randomly, do you want actual random (or as random as you can get on a PC) which can allow the same file to be picked off or instead a shuffle where it'll go through everything before re-randomising the order of the files to be played?

Definitely heading in the right direction, though.
That's the aim :)



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Re: A few observations...
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2019, 11:27:35 PM »
Can you post a  screenshot of the library view please - that'll make it easier for me to replicate things on my side as there's a number of view combinations.
I'm certain it's more difficult to program in the logic to remember where it was at before a search started... but definitely usability-wise would be worth it. Attached. It's hard to show it in a slideshow (tried my best), and can make a screencap video if you think it'd be helpful. Worth noting: as soon as I start a search, it deselects whatever was selected in the library.
That sounds more like a remote desktop issue - it's definitely not something I'm intentionally doing / looking for. There might be an OS setting that needs to be changed as I vaguely remember a similar issues with the early beta builds but I can't find the details at the moment (was either on this forum or via emails but I'm drawing a blank).
I figured it wasn't intentional, and as long as I remember to minimize wacup before I close the remote desktop session, it seems to mitigate it... But notable, as it seems wacup was the only one having issues with it thus far.
]That's in the known issues along with the workaround. It's already fixed in the first beta build after the preview build & there'll be an updated preview build out hopefully by the end of this week which will include that fix.
And seeing the update message reminded me to check this thread, and your post reminded me I should have checked known issues before posting here :)
Also, PSA option appears broken. It plays a file in the playlist for about 5 seconds, plays PSA, then restarts currently playing song for 5 seconds, plays PSA, repeat so on and so forth.
I'll need to look into it as it's a few months since I implemented & tested the feature - just a bit odd that it'd be broken when it had been confirmed as working well by the user testing it along with me.
I'll double check things on my end as well, and report back if I can find combinations/specific things that cause it to act up.
EDIT: Have done some testing. Cannot recreate the previously mentioned issue on my desktop currently. However, it does start playing the next song for about a quarter/half a second before the PSA plays. Seems to do it whether fade at end of song is enabled or not (disabling "fade on pause/stop" does seem to mitigate this issue, though), and also appears unaffected by the buffer size, whether skipping to next or letting it do it by itself, etc. Pretty consistent. Another issue, when selecting a song from the playlist, if wacup was previously stopped during a song and a PSA was supposed to play next, it will start with the PSA instead of the song. If hitting "stop" during a playing PSA, it skips the PSA then starts playing the next song, and keeps playing until I hit stop again. Will continue trying to recreate the looping issue I found earlier, but also figured some of these other things are notable.
EDIT 2: got it.. shuffle mode is responsible, as turning it on now has it looping the PSA and only playing the "fade on pause/stop" amount of song playing between loops. I can get it out of the loop and play the song by hitting 'stop' (previously mentioned bug, lol) during the PSA, but it loops again immediately following the song. Even clicking other songs in the playlist just starts the PSA and tries to start the song it got stuck on before. I'll edit in a screencast of the problem in action.

I'm using WACUP for a radio project (talk about jumping the gun! Already using it in production, lol), so that option would be great to have working (well, if I could add a folder and set it to pick one randomly every # songs, it'd be perfect...)
That's something which is already on the cards but I guess without it working 100% with a single file I will hold off on doing this until the above issue is resolved.
Let me know if you have anything specific with it I can test on my end.
With picking it randomly, do you want actual random (or as random as you can get on a PC) which can allow the same file to be picked off or instead a shuffle where it'll go through everything before re-randomising the order of the files to be played?
Hmmmm... Unexpected but excellent question. I'd lean more towards shuffle, personally.
Definitely heading in the right direction, though.
That's the aim :)
You're doing god's (well, Justin Frankel's) work!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 12:26:55 AM by soulnull »