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Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

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Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

Author Topic: So.... Winamp 5.8 Beta was leaked  (Read 22833 times)


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Re: So.... Winamp 5.8 Beta was leaked
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2018, 01:30:53 PM »
WACUP > <that> 🤣



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Re: So.... Winamp 5.8 Beta was leaked
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2018, 05:56:09 AM »
WACUP > <that> 🤣


I'm just 'flabberguested' by the whole thing. Can't understand they took this course. Could at least have geared up, join forces or something like that. They should be happy someone like you has kept this project alive. Its because of you the true fans had something they could go on with. I hope this is some corporate shitstorm, can't imagine this had anything to do with the original Nullsoft spirit. Correct me when wrong. I'm not going for the new Winamp unless they appologize to you and the rest of the community who kept the lama alive.

Had to said it.
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Re: So.... Winamp 5.8 Beta was leaked
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2018, 05:56:51 PM »
When you look at how they're now dealing with the paying SHOUTcast broadcasters including deleting posts off their facebook page (I assume to remove the complaints about how piss poor a job they are doing & the never ending ones about support never responding), there's very little chance of them apologising to the community.

Even if the v6 does appear (am somewhat doubtful tbh) they'll laud it up as being the saviours of Winamp which is ironic after 5 years & a lacklustre beta that was sat on for 2 years with little done in the prior 3 years due to not wanting devs to work on it. There are going to be people who lap it up based on the types of comments I've seen online in relation to the v6 speculation but imho it's just going to be a mobile services api wrapper without any of the charm of what made Winamp be Winamp & a complete kick in the balls on what that brand meant.

Either way, I've got a preview build to sort out :)



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Re: So.... Winamp 5.8 Beta was leaked
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2019, 06:41:08 PM »
Dr0 - I remember a post I made years ago about 64bit migration of the desktop client.  I believe, the response was why...32bit works or something to the effect.

Silly, argument at the time...  You just got me thinking by your post about it.

As for the new builds.  How, can what they build ever compare to the multitude of high value, routinely developed, patched and versioned high-end solutions? 

- Music Bee
- Foobar
- XMPlay
- Itunes (blech)
- Clementine
- Media Monkey
- Amarok
- Banshee
- VLC Media Player

These are from memory, and relatively they are in many cases very well supported, include many of the features that winamp had/has; and are each quite usable. Then there are the various players for streaming subscriptions that are hands down amazing products on their own rights (spotify, amazon, etc.)

I think imho that winamp itself needs the investment and drive of developers wishing to put it into the 21 Century with a feature-set that covers all of the integration, services, capabilities of these peers now that it has been sleeping on the job; or it will remain in the shadows relegated to enthusiasts only; they have a-lot to catch up to; with very few that internally doing the work required to bring it to the masses.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 07:04:26 PM by garetjax »
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Re: So.... Winamp 5.8 Beta was leaked
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2019, 12:53:25 PM »
Well my views on a native 64-bit client has changed over the last year or so as it's now one of the goals to achieve for WACUP. Yes for the most part it's not going to provide any real benefit over 32-bit (the common one is that if there are memory issues then a 64-bit version is often able to keep running much longer without exhausting the memory space available) but as a lot of platforms are generally going native 64-bit, for a Windows program to completely ignore that is in hindsight a bit naive.

Winamp desktop development as far as anyone can tell is dead & most of the players you've mentioned are developed by very small groups but it's the keeping development going that is the prime aspect which Winamp doesn't have & they do. I think that's part of the reason why some which have been around for so long aren't viewed as 'dead' (unlike Winamp) because there is that perceived support & reasonably regular updates.

The biggest issue any dedicated Windows player has nowadays is that a lot of the services that people are using are locking out Windows due to DRM, etc (e.g. Spotify) & with so many using mobiles for consumption, any of them can now be viewed as niche (even if they've got potentially millions of users). The landscape has changed a long time back & I know that Winamp has massively slid down that list & if it's in some guise (native or as the wacup replacement) is going to survive as a niche player than so be it. In some ways the push to make Winamp more mainstream removed what made it Winamp.
