Dr0 - I remember a post I made years ago about 64bit migration of the desktop client. I believe, the response was why...32bit works or something to the effect.
Silly, argument at the time... You just got me thinking by your post about it.
As for the new builds. How, can what they build ever compare to the multitude of high value, routinely developed, patched and versioned high-end solutions?
- Music Bee
- Foobar
- XMPlay
- Itunes (blech)
- Clementine
- Media Monkey
- Amarok
- Banshee
- VLC Media Player
These are from memory, and relatively they are in many cases very well supported, include many of the features that winamp had/has; and are each quite usable. Then there are the various players for streaming subscriptions that are hands down amazing products on their own rights (spotify, amazon, etc.)
I think imho that winamp itself needs the investment and drive of developers wishing to put it into the 21 Century with a feature-set that covers all of the integration, services, capabilities of these peers now that it has been sleeping on the job; or it will remain in the shadows relegated to enthusiasts only; they have a-lot to catch up to; with very few that internally doing the work required to bring it to the masses.