Awesome, and thanks for the donation too! I take it like a personal achievement to move people out of the old classic skin XD (joke aside, I like it because it means Winamp can have a whole new meaning for people like you, getting a new way of interact with a player that most people see as already dead -but that can have another "life" this way-).
Winamp better continue getting new lives! (where's the 1-Up emoji when I need it?) I can't imagine having to move away at this point. So many thousands of hours of music played... I've even made some small custom programs to make things work just how I want (custom controls, songticker, volumeticker, etc.). I'm sure that's kind of the standard for people on these forums, but it's great knowing there are still people keeping it alive.
Totally, that's in Winamp's preferences. See the screenshot for a quick reference (where font is grossly oversized just to show the effect), or try an even faster way by using hotkeys: Ctrl. AND Numpad "+" to increase size font or Numpad "-" to decrease.
Thanks! Just 1px up makes it much more comfortable. And here I was thinking that would be a theme setting. Silly me. Guess it's been too long since I did a proper pass through the settings. I must have been to that page before since the font is set to my usual favourite, but I don't remember it at all.
Derail and talk as much as you want, we're happy to see new people here. Specially if they have good taste in media player and skins! =)
I'm not a frequent poster on forums, but I'm sure I'll be back here to try and derail the odd thread of people with similarly good taste.