i was close on many fronts; but, never had enough input, test time, or collaboration to devote as much time as the site needed. The framework is solid; just not perfected; I've started and stopped likely thousands and thousands of times to introduce final production worthy code that would last the test of time; I believe, that a vast majority of where I was able to devote my attention to is complete in many senses; thought, I would be the first to say I never had enough time to really make it all connect.
I have 6 children, a full time development job, a full load of 'senior developer' activities and a 24/7 on call status to provide support across 7 companies with 30+/- websites, hundreds of web applications, server applications, console applications and hundreds of installed applications in my work queue. I know that this may seem like I am making excuses for my apparent lack of development effort on 1001 but, truly it is not. I wanted so much more and have at times made many changes when I could.
However, as all things go...life took my attention away on to different avenues; Now that I am raising up this next generation of developers (28 of them); I do not have the desire to spend countless more hours pouring over code (honest). I feel burnt out and that does not lend itself to proper development and is likely the cause for some of the delays, enhancements and/or bug fixes.
As I stated I believe Dr0 not only has the presence of mind to make it viable; but, to keep it in trust and to definitely bring together people where I was a skinner that took it over; and while I may be a developer - I work with a team and not by myself; things seldom work without backing and support that goes beyond an individual taste, and desire. I suppose, what I am really getting at is that I was probably not the best choice to make 1001 into what it could have been and i am most certainly not the person now.
Sad but, honest opinion. I let you guys down and I know it...this bothers me and I wish I could change that.
Anyways, thank you for the critique, and imparting your opinion. It was and always is valuable.