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Author Topic: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized  (Read 12902 times)

Axel Slingerland

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2022, 09:28:18 PM »
I'm sorry I missed this post. I've been a little (well, actually a lot) distracted by a series of family health problems. My daughter fell and smacked her head pretty hard and lost a lot of her memory, my oldest son who is a Colonel in the Army had a heart attack and I have been having kidney problems. It's been a stressful month. I'm not used to that, as I have had almost no stress for almost 26 years since I retired.

Anyway, to extract audio from an .mp4, which is the video format I prefer (although I do have a number of .mkv files), I use a program called Pazera Audio Extractor. The version I have is 2.4, but the download linked to from that page is for 2.11. I don't remember where I got 2.4, but there's a link to my file (on my MediaFire account) if you want to grab it instead. I've been using that version for several years with no problems at all. It works great.

I use youtube-dl and youtube-dl-gui, as well as yt-dlp, all of which work well for downloading movies and TV shows, but I've never tried to use them for audio only so I have no experience there. By the way, the forum that those links are on is a great source of software for video (and some audio), but I'll warn you, the people there are a bit stuck up. Typical know it all types that don't know as much as they think they do...

For YouTube though, you're absolutely right... Oddly enough, youtube-dl-gui is dreadfully slow, so I use a program called 3D YouTube Downloader. It downloaded a 2 Gb file pretty quickly, even on my lightning fast (extreme sarcasm) 6 Mbps Internet connection. That might be changing soon though. I got a little ticked off at Suddenlink, my cable TV company, because they raised my bill 38%. I called them and said I was going to cancel my account if they didn't make me a better deal. So instead of cable TV that is 80% unused because never watch most of the channels, they switched me to 500 Mbps Internet with basic cable (50 channels), but I think I am going to be dropping that part of it, because everything I've been paying $100 a month for I can get through streaming for less than $20 a month. But because Suddenlink has proven themselves to be untrustworthy, I might be cancelling the whole thing. We've been streaming with AT&T at 6 Mbps and it works fine. No buffering to speak of, unless I am downloading something big at the same time.
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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2022, 04:23:13 AM »
You certainly have a lot to deal with all at once. Real life has to take priority over a software app. However, listening to some of your favorite tunes hopefully helps ease the pain. I pray you and your family get better quickly.

I will give 3D YouTube Downloader a try.

We switched from cable to Direct TV years ago. It has gotten just as bad as cable. Overpriced and filled with content you don't want to watch. I've been experimenting with various streaming services for the past few months. I been wanting to drop Direct TV every since AT&T bought it, but I will miss the sports content, some of which is exclusive.

I'm jealous of your 500 Mbps Internet. I have 300 down and 11 up. I sometimes get some buffering at the start of streaming content but almost never once a movie or tv show episode has started.

Windows 11 Home 64-bit v24H2
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Axel Slingerland

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2022, 10:34:44 PM »
Well, it was pretty stressful. But my daughter is in good hands, for living in what I consider to be Hell, California. Also known as Bakersfield. All I can say about it is there is absolutely no freekin' way I ever want to go there again. I honestly don't see any merit in living there. But she likes it there, so if that is where she wants to life, she is entitled to do it. I call her my baby girl, but I've been doing that for 35 years. Her memory is starting to come back, fortunately. Her Doctor said that the memory loss was from very low magnesium levels. I wasn't surprised to hear that. Fortunately she remembered enough to hand him her phone and tell her Doctor "Mom. Press hold 5." And he understood and called us. We drove down there a couple of years ago and it took us 12 hours of driving at our usual speed. That day we got there in 9 hours.

I have a friend who's magnesium levels went off and she was definitely not herself for awhile. She was repeating things she heard, over and over. She was in the hospital and while her husband was waiting to talk to the Doctor, she was laying in bed watching TV. One of the actors on whatever show she was watching was a kid, and this woman came in wearing a Halloween costume, and after playing the kid for a few minutes the kid says "I know who you are, you're Grandma!"

The Doctor comes in and her husband was relieved that it was one he knew, and when the Doctor introduced himself, her husband said "I know who you are." She heard that and said "I know who you are, you're Grandma!" They all laughed but it really wasn't funny. But they gave her magnesium through her IV and she was back to semi-normal in a few hours.

What scared the stuffin' out of me when they said that was what caused my daughter's memory loss, was that the same thing could happen to me at the moment. I've been having kidney problems and I am a type 2 diabetic, and I am a high risk for losing too much magnesium in the same way, with the same end results. I mentioned that to her Doctor, and he told me to take some magnesium supplements for awhile.

On a slightly brighter subject, I'm still not sure about Suddenlink and their so called 500 Mbps Internet. At best, all I really want is faster downloading. One of the guys at the video help forum told me he has 300 Mbps and can download a 2 Gb file in a couple of minutes. Where as with my 6 Mbps AT&T connection it takes around two hours. But never having had high speed internet I never missed it. But that is something I am concerned about now. If I get used to lightning fast downloads, and then have to tell Suddenlink to shove their lack of service and high prices where the sun don't shine, I would have to go back to 6 Mbps again. But even if it only works half as fast as they say it will, it will be leaps and bounds faster than what I have now. So if it is reliable, and if it doesn't go over $100 a month just for the Internet, and IF they keep their lies to a minimum, I'll keep it. If not, I can always stick with AT&T.

However, when it comes to the Internet, Suddenlink was horrible at first. But over time, AT&T was still the same, and Suddenlink got faster and (hopefully!) more reliable. And when the Tubbs Fire in 2017 burned out a third of Santa Rosa, California, Humboldt County started thinking and a second cable to connect to the Internet might be a good idea. So they made a deal with Suddenlink because AT&T was too cheap to get involved, and now there's a second line, in case the main one gets burned, cut or whatever. So it might be better, but considering they can not be trusted to keep their word about anything, I am skeptical at best. So I not expecting much, and if I get more than I expect, I'll be happier than I am now.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2022, 10:35:47 PM by Axel Slingerland »
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