Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - akilleas

Pages: [1]
Thanks for your answer and your time!
I've tried exactly what you proposed but with no luck. Still not loading so I decided, because I can't leave anymore without WACUP,  to do a fresh start. Lucky me I found a backup with most of my settings but I've lost all other data.

I've already restored the song but it keeps closing. As I can remember the last song I played was problematic that I have just downloaded and after closing WACUP I deleted the folder.
I'm not sure which repeat was but i think with classic skin only the ''repeat all'' is triggered with the button. Am I wrong?
I've tried editing the .ini file and disabling the repeat but still no luck. Can I maybe with the .ini file change the last state. I mean I closed WACUP trying to play a problematic song and when reopening it tries to continue from there . Can I make it to open stopped?
Please explain to me how to run "wacup.exe /procdump" command and maybe get a bug report.

Thanks in advance!

I'm using the latest public preview WACUP_Preview_v1_99_22_20202_x86 and I have a weird problem.
I have the repeat on and I deleted the latest track I heard yesterday (but don't remember wich it was).
Now every time I open WACUP tries to open and force closes immediately.
What can I do to bypass this problem?
I've already backuped the settings but I'm afraid when reinstalling and reverting to my settings it will happen the same.
Please help me. I don't want to start it from fresh!

Thanks in advance!

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Opening a new instance.
« on: July 31, 2024, 04:15:33 AM »
I thought of it.
Thank you for your reply!

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Opening a new instance.
« on: July 30, 2024, 06:59:37 PM »
OK. So I've finally figured it out.
I firstly open the 1st instance and must load a track with enter key via any file explorer.
Then I open the 2nd player that my favorite playlist is already loaded and everything it's ok now.

I've recently learned that I can set a global hotkey so I can copy the title of a song.
So here's another ''problem''.
It seems that I cannot set the same global hotkey to both of the instances.
Is there a way to do it, or I just have to change it for the 2nd instance?

Thanks in advance!

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Opening a new instance.
« on: July 29, 2024, 08:06:32 PM »
Mostly I use XYPLORER and Windows Explorer.
I haven't thought about the last instance that I've loaded a track by enter key.
I'll do some more tests and report back!
Thanks for the quick reply!

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Opening a new instance.
« on: July 28, 2024, 08:47:39 AM »
I’m facing a problem or rather a specificity.
I have a large playlist that I mostly listen and pressing the CTR+ALT+N button it opens a completely new instance (wacup_m) as I chose on the confirmation dialog discussed above.
So I pause the 1st instance and I when hitting enter button I want that song to be played with the 2nd instance. Sometimes it’s OK but sometimes it is loaded in the 1st. How can I solve this?

Keep up the good work!
Thanks in advance!

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Opening a new instance.
« on: January 02, 2021, 04:59:20 PM »
Happy New Year to all the people around the globe. May the WACUM continues updating!!!!!
Thank you so much for your answer.
I understand what you mean and I appreciate you effort to look into it, whatever your decision is.
In my opinion, I would prefer multiple instances to keep the same settings and the last instance I will close to write the final settings I've made at that instance's settings file. Isn't that possible?

Thanks in advance

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Opening a new instance.
« on: December 31, 2020, 11:51:58 AM »
With the latest 2 versions I've tried, when you press Ctrl-Alt-N and you open a new instance of Wacup it doesn't keep the same playlist you've already made.
With older versions of Winamp the new instance opens with the same song in playlist.
Thanks in advance and a Happy New Year.

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