It's just an ordinairy stream, but i am using a third party firewall been using that for years now. If i turn it off, streaming works.
As for the replay gain (rp), well i'd love to have it working believe me, been searching for hours after i made the switch from rocksteady/audiostocker brand. The issue is that is it not working well, songs differ too much in volume, i even have a sound meter on the phone to check the DB level, but i don't need it to hear that it is not working ok. I checked the tags, they all have rp info. Btw I would love some indicator in the main window to show the rp value, as in my case it would be great for debugging.
So no luck yet it seems.
ps i'm using track gain and i assume that works by analyze a song to find the max volume, and adjust accordingly. But in_mp3 replaygain can play one song wit a max of 45 db and the next with 50 wich is quite a difference.