Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - ariszlo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 12
Skins / Re: Any way to make minor changes to an existing skin?
« on: October 23, 2024, 05:35:36 PM »
You can do some of that by editing Big Bento Modern's xml's and MAKI sources. Find links to some skinning tutorials in Victhor's Winamp skinning resources topic. FrisbeeMonkey's web site is no longer online but luckily it is archived in the Wayback Machine.

Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: October 08, 2024, 09:32:49 AM »
i dont know if there is anywhere where to upload the modern skins for winamp

You can still upload them to DeviantArt but you need to add tags like "winamp", "modern" or "winampmodern" for visitors to find your skins.

Again thanks everyone for the help.

You're welcome. :)

Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: October 07, 2024, 11:34:22 PM »
I've just checked and you can set the scrollbars to any size you want, these're 20x20, not that anyone would want them to be that big...

You are right. I stand corrected.

Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: October 07, 2024, 07:24:44 PM »
Hang on, it is possible to change the size of Wasabi scrollbars.

Not their widths. All of your scrollbars are 17 pixels wide.

Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: October 07, 2024, 01:35:08 PM »
And this is for the SaNari-Metallica skin.

Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: October 07, 2024, 01:30:14 PM »
the fix works but it breaks this little thing on both skins (the scroll thing in the playlist), now this is super small so its not important but maybe its also easy to fix?

It's not possible to change the size of the scrollbars in WasabiXML v1.3x skins, only their colours. This is how you can do that for MSDZero skin:

1. Copy the attached scrollbars.png into the window folder of the skin.
2. Remove all the studio.scrollbar.* definitions from system-elements.xml.
3. Paste the following wasabi.scrollbar.* definitions into system-elements.xml:

<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.left" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="0" y="0" w="13" h="17"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.left.hover" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="14" y="0" w="13" h="17"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.left.pressed" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="28" y="0" w="13" h="17"/>

<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.button" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="0" y="18" w="13" h="41"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.button.hover" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="14" y="18" w="13" h="41"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.button.pressed" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="28" y="18" w="13" h="41"/>

<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.right" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="0" y="60" w="13" h="17"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.right.hover" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="14" y="60" w="13" h="17"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.right.pressed" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="28" y="60" w="13" h="17"/>

<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.left" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="42" y="0" w="17" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.left.hover" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="42" y="14" w="17" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.left.pressed" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="42" y="28" w="17" h="13"/>

<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.button" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="60" y="0" w="41" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.button.hover" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="60" y="14" w="41" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.button.pressed" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="60" y="28" w="41" h="13"/>

<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.right" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="102" y="0" w="17" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.right.hover" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="102" y="14" w="17" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.right.pressed" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="102" y="28" w="17" h="13"/>

<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.background" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="42" y="42" w="13" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="42" y="42" w="13" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.background.middle" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="42" y="42" w="13" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.horizontal.background.bottom" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="42" y="42" w="13" h="13"/>

<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.background" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="56" y="42" w="13" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="56" y="42" w="13" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.background.middle" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="56" y="42" w="13" h="13"/>
<bitmap id="wasabi.scrollbar.vertical.background.bottom" file="window/scrollbars.png" x="56" y="42" w="13" h="13"/>


Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: October 06, 2024, 05:03:20 PM »
Raise the value of WasabiXML version to 1.3 1.36 in skin.xml

General Discussion / Re: Winamp source code to be released
« on: September 27, 2024, 12:50:16 PM »
The source code has been released:

As expected, the license is restricted.

And contradictory, too. It claims to be copyleft but then does not allow distributing modified versions. So it is not copyleft.

Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: September 21, 2024, 04:24:38 PM »
So I'm going to disagree that enabling it messed things up as it can only ever go with the information that skins provide to it.

Sorry, I did not express myself properly. The skins whose window text colour is very similar to the window background colour had already been messed up long before Winamp 5.666 re-added skinned menus. One could not see "Search" before the search box or the info at the bottom of the media library displaying "n items (HH:MM:SS) in n sec".

Winamp 5.666 only made it more visible how messed up those skins were. So, the two of us do not really disagree.

Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: September 21, 2024, 03:31:33 PM »
I'm seeing the menu issue with Vocaloid 001 also under 5.666 so that doesn't appear to be a wacup introduced issue...

Yes, the menus of many skins got messed up with the skinned menus, re-introduced in Winamp 5.666, if the value for the wasabi.window.text colour definition was the same as or very similar to the window background colour.

With Vocaloid 002, that is wacup specific as part of how I've gotten 5.666's gen_ff plug-in working outside of winamp. Based on what's shown in the screenshot along with ariszlo's suggestion it'll be down to something with how I handle regions being wrong or its exposed something the skin was doing wrong.

The bug seems to be caused by completely transparent regions bitmaps. WACUP handles the regions well if the bitmap contains both opaque regions marking the window areas that should NOT be shown and transparent regions marking the window areas that should be left alone.

The skinner of Vocaloid 002 defined two completely transparent regions bitmaps, which is just a waste of code that should be simply ignored. It seems that WACUP wrongly interprets an all-transparent bitmap as if it was an all-opaque bitmap.

i should mention that vocaloid 001 i added sometime in the past a notifier, that is not original to the skin, aditionally now i have updated vocaloid 002 notifier with the one from 001 because it wasen't working correctly (the original from 002 just stayed there without closing).

Good job with the notifiers.  8)

Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: September 20, 2024, 10:59:37 PM »
For the first one:

1. Unzip Vocaloid
2. Open Vocaloid 001\xml\system-colors.xml with Notepad.
3. Find this: <color id="wasabi.window.text" value="255,255,255"/>
4. Change the value from "255,255,255" to "0,0,0" and save the file.

For the second one:

1. Unzip Vocaloid
2. Open Vocaloid 002\xml\standardframe.xml with Notepad.
3. Remove the following two lines and save the file:
<layer id="regionleft"  x="0"  y="31" w="192" h="-34" relath="1"  image="component.region.left"  sysregion="-2"/>
<layer id="regionbottommiddle" x="192"  y="-34" w="-223" h="34" relaty="1" relatw="1" image="component.region.bottom.middle" sysregion="-2"/>

Skins / Seek and Volume animations v1.5
« on: September 13, 2024, 08:30:25 AM »
Version 1.5 has been released at WinCustomize, DeviantArt and here.
  • Main window timer shows either MM:SS or HH:MM:SS depending on the length of elapsed/remaining time.
  • Playlist Editor info line shows elapsed time slash playlist length.
  • AlbumArt window has different notfound images for offline and online tracks.

Skins / pppregions.maki
« on: September 07, 2024, 11:43:48 AM »
This shows playlist progress in an animated pie chart.

Update: simplified stream detection.

Skins / plprogress.maki
« on: September 07, 2024, 11:42:10 AM »
This shows how much of the playlist has been played so far followed by the total length of the playlist.

Update: simplified stream detection.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern v1.2
« on: September 02, 2024, 11:18:00 AM »
they dont work saying they are for 32 bit version. How would i fix this issue?

The only fix is to uninstall WACUP 64-bit install WACUP 32-bit.

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