Here we go...
After so so long, I'm pleased to present you my last skin, Big Bento Modern.
There is so much to say about it -and I suck so much at being clear and concise- that I'm just leaving you with the skin and some notes at the bottom:

The skin is 98% complete, CHECK THE README FILE inside the skin folder for details on what may be missing.
FEATURES HIGHLIGHTS:* BBB >> Bigger / Better / Beautiful (translates into: High-res friendly / lots of features / modern style)

* File info panel has a much better approach on covers and readability
* Multi-tools panel with highly customizable buttons
* Playlist info with never-seen-before info mix
* Huge, more complete and actually usable Skin settings page
* Cooler EQ tab
* Integrated Lyrics and Youtube video finder (using your favorite web browser of course)
* Translate-friendly setup (spanish Winamp translation included)
* Lots more, just try it.
FINAL RELEASE! 05/2018 (v1.02). Check the new thread here: UPDATE! 03/11 (v0.93):Nuevo = (Spanish speakers) El Pack de Idioma en Castellano incluye este skin (archivo WLZ al final de este post). NOTA: Actualmente no funciona con WACUP, pero va a funcionar mas adelante cuando DrO reactive la función (ver aca >>,212.msg1743.html#msg1743 para mas detalles -en inglés-).
New = Spanish Winamp Language pack (wlz)
(use included "wasabi.xml" to translate the skin to your own language). IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently not working on WACUP. It will when DrO reactivates that function (see,212.msg1743.html#msg1743 for details).
New = "Skin Tips" (toggable from Skin Settings or through Right Click).
New = Search Playlist animation on click + visual clues to denote functionality (funnier when no results

New = Songticker and Times animation on load.
New = Right Click menu on Songticker is way more intuitive and useful (except for the "Send to" menu..).
New = (Playlist Search) Added Escape key trigger + Hover state to the whole area (more intuitive).
New = (Skin settings) Vertical scrollbars appear when needed (EQ tab too).
New = (Skin settings) "About the skin and the skinner" new page.
New = (Skin settings - Notifier) New option to show album or playback controls.
New = (Skin settings - Notifier) New option to hold notification open when mouse is above.
New = (Skin settings - Appearance) Option to set Winamp logo's visibility (Thanks DJPete).
New = (Side Playlist Album art) Added button to hide it (hidden, appears only on hover).
New = Equalizer tab has a little icon indicating if it's on.
New = (Shade) Right click on Switch button minimize Winamp.
Fixed = (Notifier) "Track XXXXXX of XXXXXXX" now is not truncated when displaying large strings (thanks Zackbuffo).
Fixed = (Notifier) Title now is properly displayed (with track time) when displaying long titles (thanks Zackbuffo).
Fixed = (Skin settings) Background rectangles change (and refresh) according to color themes.
Fixed = Display info no longer shows "Next / Previous track" nor "Stop playback" when nothing was playing (thanks Pawel).
Fixed = Custom buttons (formerly "Prog Buttons") only show info over songticker when set, not before (a lot more clean now).
Fixed = Play animation properly returns to 0 when stopped WHILE the animation is playing.
Fixed = "Current Playlist Info" no longer "steals" visible Playlist.
Fixed = Tabs tooltips.
Fixed = When volume is 0, Notifier text color changes to red and returns to yellow if volume is not 0.
Fixed = (EQ settings) Disabling / Enabling Crossfade does changes text color inmediately.
Fixed = "Slap close" (quickly exit -with Winamp maximized- by clicking the far top right corner) fixed.
Fixed = (File info) Background flashes above data while Winamp was docked (thanks Pawel).
Fixed = Bass and Treble thumbs are now centered when refreshing the skin.
Improved = Less chances that File info labels ("Kbps", "hz") end up truncated when using custom fonts (thanks Pawel).
Improved = Added outline to generic windows so it doesn't blend with the player itself.
Improved = "Notifier" references changed to a more standard "Notifications".
Improved = "Show Playlist Tab" is now on "Playlist" settings (makes more sense and clears some space on "Appearance").
Improved = (Skin Settings - Notification) Sub-menu text (colored in purple) changed to actual text objects (99% of the skin's text is not an image now).
+ lots of minor gfx fixes and improvements)
UPDATE 26/09 (v0.92):
- Fixed Tabs area switch missplaced button
- New option inside "Appearance" to set the tabs to icons only (also through Right click)
- Play - pause animation now behaving correctly when stopping the music while on pause.
- New discard animation on Multi-tools message (justadetailbutlooksnice..)
NOTE: Just like Bento / Big Bento, this skin works loose in its own folder, so just unzip it inside your skins folder.