Check the preferences - advanced - options page 2 tab. If the "Only show genres from the genres.txt ..." option is enabled, try disabling it.
checked and it is disabled
It's most likely down to how the find in the dropdown is done which can be either be an exact match or a first part that matches approach (this being what I assume is happening until I check things out).
Let me know if it is indeed a bug or an issue on my end. Like I mentioned, it seems the genre is automatically selected and changed just by opening the file info which is a concerning issue for me as I sometimes do edit info that way.
I tried opening other genre songs and it seems that if it is an original unmatching genre (i.e. the genre lists 'chillout' but I labeled the genre as 'Chill Out') then the file info opens normally with no change in genre nor is the genre highlighted.
If I tried opening the file info on a song that has a genre that is in the genre list (i.e. Trance), then the genre field is highlighted right when opening.
My guess is it seems that the drop down matches the genre (or attempts to match) right when opening the file info which is causing the issue. I would think it shouldn't be doing that until the dropdown is actually selected, but you would know best dro.