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Author Topic: Winamp. In your browser. (winamp2-js)  (Read 14489 times)


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« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 10:54:08 PM by dro »


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Re: Winamp. In your browser.
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2017, 08:51:42 PM »
Jordan has done a lot of good work in getting Winamp 2.x skins to work in the browser to then wrap the HTML5 playback.

There's more than what the example on the site shows when getting the code from github and he's still actively working on it.



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Re: Winamp. In your browser.
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2017, 12:26:52 AM »
yes he is.  :) I've been patiently waiting for a new release, ... so, I can actually show previews (working previews on 1001)
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Re: Winamp. In your browser.
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2017, 09:17:19 PM »
I can't remember how far it had gotten though I definitely don't remember generic and video windows being handled (am also not sure on the playlist editor either).

The greatest thing would be to have a modern skin preview but that'd just be insane to see done (especially within JS, etc).



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Re: Winamp. In your browser.
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2017, 12:14:09 PM »
The greatest thing would be to have a modern skin preview but that'd just be insane to see done (especially within JS, etc).

You'd be amazed at what you can accomplish in Javascript. But yeah, it would most likely take a lot of work. It might be doable if combined with a server-side parser that converts the skin file, then use Javascript to just create a preview (without all functionality ofcourse).


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Re: Winamp. In your browser.
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2017, 01:33:10 AM »
Hey, Jordan (Winamp2-js author) here! Thanks for the kind words about the project. It’s been great fun. I've actually been thinking a fair bit about the use case of using Winamp2-js for automating the process of taking screen shots. With headless Chrome it really shouldn't be too difficult. In fact I hacked together a little eight line script using Chrome’s [Puppeterr]( library and was able to get a pretty good looking screenshot of an arbitrary skin. I want to do a bit more work to get it working to the point where you can take the screenshot in any state you wish. This might require some minimal refactoring to the existing code base.

If I did get this working robustly, how would people want to use it?

Download/install/setup and then use from the command line?
Web interface where you can drag in a skin and get an png?
Web based API where you post a skin and get a URL to a png?
Javascript library which you could call with a path to a skin to get a promise for a png?

One possible long term goal would be to make a skin gallery website where you could browse via (generated) screenshots, and then click that screenshot to preview the skin in your browser. (If anyone has interest in the project and wants to help, let me know!)

Another possible project would be an online skin explore which would allow you to drag in a skin and see all the sprites split out and labeled. (Again, let me know if this interests you).

I have the equalizer window nearly working, you can follow the project on GitHub [here](
 and I have the chrome UI for the playlist window working, but that one is going to require a much larger effort, since the whole media chain has to be updated to be aware of multiple files. For the purposes of screenshotting skins, it would probably be possible to start with the UI for the playlist first, as that will be much easier.

If anyone is interested in contributing (the project is React+Redux and fairly well organized) I’d be happy to help find interesting tasks to work on. Currently I’m working on how multiple windows snap together when you drag them around.

I’m not putting a huge amount of time into this project these days, but I am continuing to chip away at it bit by bit. I probably work on it at least an hour or two each week. Of course having other contributors would probably increase my interest :D

Thanks again,



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Re: Winamp. In your browser.
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2017, 01:03:48 AM »
Hey Jordan,

Joe Garrett here,

I am the owner and developer 1001skins; and I have made a skin or two under the aliases of thefusionbox, fusion_box, and garetjax.  I know on 1001, one of the ideas I had was load a skin based on a click event what I call the skin browser; I wanted to also have a demo button, that allowed the user to actually use the skin before they downloaded it.

At least that was the idea; until of course I downloaded your submission on github; and W 0 W! 

Awesome work dude;  amazingly complex and awesome.  I couldn't do it...way to much js; hell, I couldn't keep my head on straight trying to run a local version.


Of Note, there are a few sites out there that cater to winamp and its skins...but, it is few and far between; though, I am game for establishing a web-service...though, to be fair my hosting is done on .net 4.7 C# code; though, everything is available under that host script with no bandwidth restrictions, file restrictions, or throttling of any sort.

Let me know...

« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 01:07:56 AM by garetjax »
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Re: Winamp. In your browser.
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2018, 03:52:40 AM »
Hey Joe,

I have the playlist window fully working now (a few tiny things I still want to clean up before I release it, but it's fully working). One easy thing to try would be for 1001skins to provide a link to Winamp2-js which included the URL of the skin in the hash. This is the approach I'm using for

For example:

You can read more about the syntax here: (note you may have to url encode the bit after the #.

This would require setting up the correct allows-origin headers for the skin files, let me know if that's difficult to do in your setup.

If you can get the headers working, it would mean you could add a "preview" or "try" link for a skin just by generating the correct URL. Might be an easy place to start.

Let me know what you think. Feel free to reach out here, or via email:


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Re: Winamp. In your browser.
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2018, 10:53:52 PM »
*mega bump*

This now has a working playlist editor window (useful for some ideas I have for use with WACUP) & lots of other cool bits with the recent update @  Well done Jordan on all of this!
