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Author Topic: Coloring Media Library  (Read 5978 times)


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Coloring Media Library
« on: March 27, 2017, 05:33:15 PM »
I have standard Big Bento skin, and I have Genre/Artist/Album layout in my Media Library.
I really love how I can see all my albums of 1 interpret sorted by years.
But then I have all LPs, EPs, Live Albums and Compilations mixed together so it is kind of mess there.
I thought of a plugin that would allow people to color media library based on some informations, so I could easily see what albums are LPs, EPs and so on...
It could also be probably used to various different things I believe such as highlighting artist from my own country different color as from other countries, or to differentiate mp3s from normal flac and from 24/192 flacs and so on :)
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Re: Coloring Media Library
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2017, 04:58:56 AM »
Without a lot of hacking or re-implementing the library views, I don't think there's an easy easy to achieve what you're wanting. Additionally due to Winamp being skinned, allowing such customisation could make for a very disjointed experience with the look of things that I don't think would be nice to use.

Really what you're wanting is a better way to see such things but what I'm not sure at the moment as depending on how you've got things tagged and how you've setup your library views, it should be possible to see "LPs, EPs, Live Albums and Compilations" from the same artist in the filter pane but that requires consist tagging to work.

Not too sure what to say but I don't think I'd want to do the colour customisation but finding a better way to see things would be more helpful to a wider audience with some sort of grouping option (have an idea in mind but not sure how to describe it or get it into a visual form to show what I'm thinking off at the moment).



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Re: Coloring Media Library
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2017, 05:51:48 AM »
Well.. If you're ever going for it, what makes more sense to me (not sure if it would be easier) is to aim for something like Windows 7's Explorer grouping option; once selected, items get sorted in vertical groups delimited by a title where each section begins.