Implemented Requests / Re: Suggestion: Preferences Adjustment/Moving
« on: December 27, 2016, 11:52:53 PM »
The main idea was to re-organise things into more appropriate groupings along with making things searchable and pinning common pages to the top of the preferences so you didn't need to scroll down the tree to get to some of the pages.
As for what could be removed, that's a tricky one as there has to have been a reason for it to be added in the first place (often due to not liking a default behaviour) but then is it that the default is wrong or just the feature not as properly thought out as it could be
As for what could be removed, that's a tricky one as there has to have been a reason for it to be added in the first place (often due to not liking a default behaviour) but then is it that the default is wrong or just the feature not as properly thought out as it could be
