Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Archive /
« on: April 21, 2017, 02:13:58 AM »
Today marks the 20th birthday of Winamp and I've put up a new blog post ( covering some of those 20 years with our favourite player and how things have changed from it's humble beginnings.

So have some

General Discussion / Re: Why I'm still not become a tester of WACUP?
« on: April 09, 2017, 10:52:55 PM »
For those who've requested beta access over the last month or so, all valid requests will be actioned in time for the next WACUP beta build. This is due to there being enough changes in the next beta build and time having passed to make it not as helpful from my side of the fence to have more people trying out the current beta build.

Just wanted to acknowledge that for those wondering what might (or might not) be going on when it comes to new requests for testing out WACUP beta builds.


The buggy nature of it is something I'm aware off from,68.0.html (beta group thread) though that was more in-combination with another plug-in. I do need to re-test one of the changes I've made in an upcoming WACUP beta that should attempt to remove the need to change folder permissions (something I don't think should ever be needed unless its the last resort).

I will need to re-check if I did get around to trying to contact the author about either getting the un-released update  (which then makes it portable / user-settings happy) &/or an ok to bundle it or if it's even possible to instead take it on going forward (assuming that the source code even exists anymore).

There was another similar vis plug-in which I mention in the thread and I think that instead had source code (mainly to help speed-up getting to something that works) so that might be an option instead if the preferred plug-in cannot be used.


For the moment, no. But I intend on moving the plug-in into the WACUP core (which has already been partially started on but needs a bit more work to get it all done) as I don't see any real merit in allowing for it to be disabled since it's just a better (imho) way of dealing with skin management.


Is a good thing I'd already got the skin manager plug-in in a good state that made it easy to quickly add that in along with knowing how to enumerate the colour themes after fixing the modern skin menu updating issues from a few months back now. So not too masterful in just some copy + pasting of my existing code but the effect works :)


Combined screenshot of the obvious places the additional submenu will appear is attached.


At times those menus are a mess but some of it stems from the needs of classic skins vs re-using things in other places which the skins aspects falls under. Then modern skins came along and things got a bit messier as it depends on whether it's the 'main' right-click menu or if the skin provides a menu bar option (e.g. bento, winamp modern) which provides another altering of the format of the menus.

I'm mentioning all of the above as I like the idea of it being added to the skins menus but for the skins with menu bars, it can potentially make things seem a bit more messier than it already is (e.g. for Bento the 'options' menu starts with the 'skins' submenu along with the colour themes sub-menu being at the bottom of the 'options' menu).

However, knowing the hassle it can be to get to that colour themes submenu at times (especially when playing with cPro skins & a few things I've been playing around with), will see what appears in a later WACUP build :)


Skins / Re: cPro2 Grafito by Veroka and Victhor
« on: April 05, 2017, 08:33:00 PM »
Just pushed the image.w5s to try out to the beta/interim folder for those with beta access wanting to try it out.

I'd started to wonder if it was a bitness issue at first but seeing such a difference in the alpha levels made me (thankfully) look at that handling first.


Had missed something and that image.w5s isn't 100% compatible with #1430. Will sort out a more complete test build shortly...

Skins / Re: cPro2 Grafito by Veroka and Victhor
« on: April 05, 2017, 08:15:47 PM »
I've found the issue after coming to the part b) conclusion in my edit of the prior post.

So as long as what I'm seeing is consistent with the changed image.w5s I'm going to send out, it was an issue with the gamma output setting that libpng was being asked to use (so much for thinking that sRGB was the appropriate option, heh).


Skins / Re: cPro2 Grafito by Veroka and Victhor
« on: April 05, 2017, 06:47:16 PM »
Sadly no & I thought it was just a skin specific issue :(  Thanks for the screenshot.

Will have to play around with libpng this week to see what's different between 1.5.x (as used by 5.666) and 1.6.x (as used by WACUP and what I'd prefer to keep using due to read optimisations and some general tweaks that make it easier to work with imho).


I've just quickly tried dropping in libpng 1.5.28 (latest 1.5.x release) instead of 1.6.29 and the issue is still there. So either a) that's not representative of what's needed or as is more likely the case now I've done this quick check b) I'm doing something wrong with the output from the library.

Skins / Re: cPro2 Grafito by Veroka and Victhor
« on: April 05, 2017, 06:27:10 PM »
Now, let's hope Darren can solve the PNG artifacts soon so we can enjoy it in its full glory XD :P.
What artifacts? I know Pawel has reported issues with the 'winamp modern' skin (likely something due to how the layering of things works vs it's alpha blending usage) but I wasn't aware off it with other skins. Can you point me at something specific in any other affected skins please, ta.


Skins / Re: cPro2 Grafito by Veroka and Victhor
« on: April 05, 2017, 02:42:46 PM »
Really liking this one from a quick play with it.

Well done to both of you on this one!


Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Ultimate "Now Playing"
« on: March 30, 2017, 02:06:25 AM »
At the basic level it would get in-between Winamp and the input plug-ins and their metadata interfaces and handle the read / write requests that way instead of having the input plug-in doing it instead. Am sure it's not going to be as simple as I've described it but that's the general idea.

I'm using the same basic approach with in_url to proxy through metadata reads for youtube urls from the plug-in that is actually handling the playback, with tag reading replacement just being the next step on from that if I made the appropriate changes. Though I want it to be generic enough in it's handling so as to be able to provide a greater consistency with what can be read and written (which is not the case at the moment) along with expanding on what can be done (e.g. lyrics, proper artwork embedding, access to custom metadata fields and so on).


Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Ultimate "Now Playing"
« on: March 29, 2017, 03:28:06 PM »
So on reading through things, it's basically a fullscreen now playing view with basic player controls and related information to what's playing (assuming there is the information there to begin with).

Straight up I'll say that I have a number of issues with MiniLyrics and how it works & integrates with Winamp (which I've never found to be all that good though maybe it's improved since I last tried it out - were placement, skinning and loading issues that I remember which didn't make for a nice experience).

My initial thought is that it could just be done via an embedded web page and hook the HTML5 player controls but I'm not sure how well that'd work with the IE based webbrowser control that Winamp relies upon for such things. If anything, doing it more 'natively' might be the better option and some aspects aren't too far off the bottom part of from the album art plug-in for classic skins.

And for the final thing about embedding lyrics into files directly, MiniLyrics possibly has the option but for Winamp itself, it would need changes to the native input plug-ins that handle all of those things or (as I'm planning to do) replace that handling with a centralised tag read / write solution so that a lot of the missing things that people want can then be done.


Am going to hold off looking into this further until the Creator's Update has been out for a while just to see if anything has changed as part of that release (as the prior 'big' updates seem to have messed with things from what I saw with the tools out there).

With the window placement, Winamp will save it's position based on where it was last used which works irrespective of the virtual desktop being used, There's probably some quirks with it that aren't coming to mind (not sure on how virtual desktop + multiple monitors might work) but it seems like it generally doesn't make much of a difference to what programs have expected things to be like with a 'traditional' single desktop scenario.


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