Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - dro

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With your posting history you really shouldn't be being blocked is the point I'm trying to make. As all of the measures on that forum were meant to prevent the dedicated spam accounts getting over the minimum limit before posting links is allowed (which amongst other things penalises those who legitimately need to provide links to something related to support issues, etc). They know what needs to be done to fix things but they don't want to do it other than changing the banner adverts & some css styling to accommodate them (i.e. they must still be making enough 'free' money).


General Discussion / Re: The C language needs milk
« on: October 16, 2017, 12:44:31 AM »
How did you know that I make my coffee that way :)


Just remember it's nothing personal to you ;) What you're seeing is what it was like when I was involved but I guess they've made it more aggressive which only seems to hurt those still trying to be active *shrugs*


I've already got things setup on here for spam handling (was one of the main reasons I went with SMF as I knew there were working solutions). Touch wood I've not had any issues yet (though I think there's a fair number of dubious accounts that have been created but haven't posted anything spammy).

Iirc the VBB module (and a few other things) was pointed out years ago but there wasn't interest / resources to make use of such things (cheaper to just have people waste their time cleaning things up rather than preventing the issue). That's the big thing I don't miss about not being involved with that forum anymore is having to clean up the spam (especially from the posts that do it as hidden links & try to be 'normal' replies). Wasted so much of my time (and also the time of the un-paid moderators) cleaning that crap up when it could have been better spent on coding things for Winamp at the time *shrugs*


Spam system is what I figured at first, but I'd just commented on other threads without problem.
That would make anyone think they're being censored when it's ok in other threads.

Either way, you're always welcome to have a rant, etc on here :)


Actually... the spam system got kind of broken some time ago and on random posts from some users are being caught as "spam" without really being it. PeterK's inoffensive posts here ( are one example, he's getting very annoyed about this, as you can imagine. There, 3 out of 5 posts from him get caught as spam. I know because he PM's me everytime it happens.
The spam system has been broken for years but the way to fix it involves $$$ and they don't want to do that. Using such an old VBB install (and the customisations it has) makes a migration tricky (was looked into a while before things started in motion towards the sale) but it could be done if it was really wanted. At times I get the impression they're happy to see the spam just so it makes the forum look more active than it really is (not a dig at the independent mods as the stuff that gets through just shouldn't to begin with if using current spam blocking methods).

I'm fully understanding Peter being annoyed about most of his posts being blocked as I've seen such things put off legitimate people when you can see blatant spam that gets through without issue.

So, other than not wanting to see "their" brand / domain names on other sites (like DrO can attest to..), they seem to be pretty careless about what people say over the internet..
They've gone after others but that was more about the SHOUTcast side of things (including some who had signed up as official partners with them which was ironic, heh).

Them going after me was to be somewhat expected though the timing was shit (for me, great for them) with what was going on personally at the time. The stress of the situation was not good for me (which I believe was their aim) or my better half with the stress related illness that she was suffering from at the time which I now believe their actions partially affected the recovery off due to her stressing about me stressing about things. That's what the part "at what is a most inconvenient and stress inducing time of the year (to myself and my family)" on the old site related to. I've not really talked about it publically before but there were those aware of things going on & they will always have my eternal thanks for their help at that time.


WowMachine: I think you're more than entitled to give feedback (positive & negative) on something you're using from them if it's not working right for your needs vs what has been advertised especially if you're earning them money from allowing adverts to be run on the stream for listeners (which imho the broadcasters should get a much bigger cut but c'est la vie that's not the way they went).

Tbh I think it's a real shame to see how it's going down the pan, doing things that I told them directly that users will not like (e.g. forced account sign-up to download the tools being one). The stability of their streaming service wasn't great when I was involved and they knew they needed to bring in a north american source point for the service as the latency for american broadcasters is not acceptable (at least under AOL and the stream hosting there was distributed over multiple locations). Plus a SHOUTcast streaming system that is almost all Icecast based is just giving a no confidence in the platform. Don't get me going on how they keep 'dead' streams always going (i.e. you always hear something even if it's not the correct station).

I'm just more saddened that they've blocked my RMO account from getting the DNAS downloads page (not that it's hard to find them if needed) and that they took almost 2 months to 'fix' the recent windows builds (putting the 2.5.1 build out as 2.5.5 is a school boy error) but even still are shipping older versions of the shared libraries / files that some have known CVEs against them. It really makes you wonder what's going on over there as the things seen aren't what I'd expect from the other dev who was also working on the DNAS when I was involved.


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 27, 2017, 01:35:08 PM »
I wanna be a beta tester now!
I just need to code faster & get a new beta build ready & then you (and the other pending requests) will be added :)


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 26, 2017, 06:26:51 PM »
That's the sort of thing I was thinking :)


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 26, 2017, 04:59:49 PM »
I'm really not too sure what's involved on such things other than I have to ensure a GUID is set on the generic skinned window from within the plug-in's code and then I give that GUID to the skinner and they do their magic :)  I vaguely remember being told what's meant to happen but I can't remember how / where I was told about it.


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 26, 2017, 03:24:17 PM »
Suggestion (which can be completely ignored as it might not be useful for most). from looking at the screenshot attached, would we be able to have some way to integrate the waveform seeker window into an upper portion of the skin window (above the player controls) or even as a panel in-between the play controls and the media library section.

Is just a random thought as it'd make that aspect feel more integrated than having a window docked to the top and wasting precious screen space from the added window borders.


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 24, 2017, 11:35:26 PM »
Welcome to my world :)  Lemme know if there's anything you need me to try out.
Plus it's a relief it's not a WACUP specific issue unlike we had with the Invicta skin.


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 24, 2017, 11:22:21 PM »
I'm seeing that oddity, just hadn't tested on a non-WACUP install to see if it was also on there before reporting.


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 24, 2017, 09:07:25 PM »
I've already been blown away by the betas of this skin, but this version is just so damn lovely and it's got to be my modern skin of choice now. Keep finding little things on some of the button actions that are just making me smile and only a few skins have done that for me before :)

Knowing how long this skin has been worked on, you can tell it's been made out of deep passion to achieve what's wanted and to do it right. That imho is the mark of a great Winamp skin and I believe that is how to view this skin, it's great!


Skins / Re: 1 0 0 1
« on: September 17, 2017, 04:20:43 AM »
Can you send me the details or point me where to look for the api spec please :)

If it's a straight json response then gSoap might be a bit overkill plus the license & how their treating the GPL is an issue for me.

As so far libcurl + rapidjson has done me well when dealing with json responses with the main issue being getting the response reliably, the processing is the simple bit ;)


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