I tried your plugin, but it didn't work.
-Made backup of Big Bento folder <WACUP Directory>\Skins\Big Bento
-Extracted the files from "CoverPlaying-main.zip" to <WACUP Directory>\Skins\Big Bento
-Tested it. Worked fine.
-Installed your mod "modplace-wacup.zip" in the same folder.
-Tested it in the same manner. The player wouldn't start up.
-Did a do-over. Reverted Big Bento skin back to default files.
-Installed only "CoverPlaying-main.zip" this time.
So I just wanted to let you @ChocolateAdventurouz know of this.
(I didn't install the "Big Bento WACUPFied" and "Big Bento Redux WACUPFied" mods you mentioned though!)
However I mainly wanted to post some information about the CoverPlaying mod.
I like it. But here's some changes I applied to hide a couple if things.
If you want to change the following things, find, open and edit the following lines in
<WACUP Directory>\Skins\Big Bento\xml\player-normal-sui.xml file.
(I used red for what to find, and green for what to replace it with.)
1/ (If) You want to change the name of the Tab from "⭐CoverPlaying" to anything else you prefer, (ex. "Cover")
on line 371, find:
tabtext="⭐CoverPlaying"and change to:
tabtext="Cover" 2/ (If) You want to hide the CoverPlaying version info "⭐CoverPlaying - Version 1.12" entirely, instead of it displaying,
on line 250, find:
text="⭐CoverPlaying - Version 1.12"and change to:
text="" 3/ (If) You want to hide the "Now Playing: Artist - Song Title" part entirely, instead of it displaying,
on line 246, find:
x="0" y="0" w="1000000" h="15" visible="1"and change 'visible' from 1 to 0, like so:
x="0" y="0" w="1000000" h="15" visible="0"No discredit to the original mod maker. On the contrary. Love the modification you made!
I simply find it more appropriate this way.


Shoutout to Stevie Wonder and his band!