Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #18798 (April 7th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs) | Latest WACUP public preview is build #17040 (September 30th 2023) (x86 only)

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Messages - ariszlo

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 10
Skins / Re: How do I edit the *Entire* skin?
« on: August 14, 2023, 09:06:29 PM »
It is the standardframe.xml that skins the rest of the skin.
My Study Skin has a very simple standardframe.xml for a starter. Winamp Modern has a more advanced one.

Skins / Quinto Black CT v3.8 released
« on: July 29, 2023, 06:18:58 PM »
Quinto Black CT is the best skeuomorphic Winamp skin for modern desktops, imho. In his 2018 blog entry, dro mentions it as one of the "two skins that stand out from the last year".

Get version 3.8 here.

Unfortunately, Quinto's installer is not WACUP-friendly but there is a workaround to install it for WACUP.

This post will guide you how you can install Quinto for WACUP in the following two scenarios:
  • You have both WACUP and Winamp on your machine.
  • You only have WACUP and do not want to install Winamp just for the sake of Quinto.
1. You have both WACUP and Winamp on your machine
  • Launch the installer and install Quinto for Winamp.
  • Copy the Quinto Black CT v3.8 directory from C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\Skins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Wacup\Skins
2. You only have WACUP (and do not want to install Winamp)
  • In File Explorer, go to C:\Program Files (x86)
  • Create a new folder named Winamp
  • Enter the newly created Winamp folder and create a new folder named Skins
  • Copy winamp.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\Wacup to C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp*
  • Launch the installer and install Quinto into the Winamp directory
  • Copy the Quinto Black CT v3.8 directory from C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\Skins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Wacup\Skins
  • Delete the Winamp folder.
*You do not really need the real winamp.exe. It is in fact enough to create a 0-byte plain text file with the filename winamp.exe.

Version 2.0.5 doesn't have the coverflow feature.

It does but there is a difference. If songs from the same album have different cover arts then v1.63 (left) shows all covers, while v2.05 (right) only shows the cover of the first song.

Nothing I try gets the coverflow to work correctly when this version of the skin is initially loaded with my configuration of WACUP.

Are the slivers ok in v2.0.5?

I configured it to display album art for the pl selection as it's background.

That makes no difference to me. My guess is that the issue might be related to playlist size (my playlists are quite short). What happens if you increase the delays in coverflow.m?

Hi Aminifu,

One of the info boxes displays 4 lines (title, location, year and decoder) instead of the normal 5 lines (title, artist, album, year and decoder). The title displayed in the 4 line display is the ATF string used by the playlist editor window instead of the track's title that is displayed in the 5 line display.

The attached fileinfo.m fixes it.

The other info box normally shows the full albumart from the selected track and slivers of albumart from the next 4 following tracks. When first starting (before completing playback of the first selected track or switching to the next track and back) the full albumart and slivers of albumart shown are all from the first selected track.

I don't know why they all look alike to you. To me, they are all different.

Also I think this skin with this script maybe causing the latest version of WACUP to crash, if it is left loaded without starting playback for an extended amount of time (30 minutes or more).

Maybe. It did not crash to me when I left it alone for 30 minutes.

Skins / sc_mouseredir.maki
« on: July 03, 2023, 04:45:09 PM »
This is an old Skin Consortium script to pass a click on a GUI object to a button.

The script takes two parameters, the first of which is the id of the GUI object and the second is the id of the button. Here's an example:

  id="Track Info" action="trackinfo"
  x="24" y="62" w="1" h="1"
  id="albumart" notfoundImage="nocover"
  x="24" y="62" w="-48" h="-86" relatw="1" relath="1"
<script file="scripts/sc_mouseredir.maki" param="albumart;Track Info"/>

The script can also be used to set the positions of pop-up menus:

  id="Main Menu" action="SYSMENU"
  x="8" y="40" w="1" h="1"
  id="Main Click"
  x="8" y="8"
  tooltip="Main Menu"
<script file="scripts/sc_mouseredir.maki" param="Main Click;Main Menu"/>

As you can see, only the button receiving the mouse click has visible button images, and only the button launching the menu and setting its position has an action parameter.

Skins known to use this script

Skins / Times
« on: June 22, 2023, 10:21:37 PM »
A proof-of-concept skin to show in action how milliseconds are rounded to the nearest second to fix the mismatch between song length and the sum of elapsed time and remaining time.

Skins / Re: Ariszló’s Study Skin released
« on: June 20, 2023, 07:37:24 PM »
Version 1.4 has been released at WinCustomize, DeviantArt and here, too.
  • This release fixes progress popup text flickering while dragging the slider.

Skins / Re: Elapsed time and remaining time mismatch fixed
« on: June 19, 2023, 06:51:07 AM »
I just repeated the old text, slightly rephrased before telling what's new.

The only new thing is that the new versions of the elapsed-remaining and bbm-rounded-timers scripts fix a minor bug reported by DrO (or so far it seems so): if you switched to a skin using these scripts while playback was paused from a skin that does not use them then elapsed/remaining time was not immediately adjusted.

Skins / Re: Elapsed time and remaining time mismatch fixed
« on: June 18, 2023, 10:27:42 PM »
Since Big Bento Modern is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, I take the liberty and post my modifications of its songticker makis to fix the issue that the sum of elapsed time and remaining time is 1 second less than the length of the song.

Update (2023-06-18): fixed a bug reported by dro:

I've found that when the skin first loads in a paused state it'll show the 'old' elapsed time & then adjusts to the 'corrected' elapsed time.

Skins / Re: Elapsed time and remaining time mismatch fixed
« on: June 18, 2023, 10:19:44 PM »
A whole package of makis to fix the mismatch between song length and the sum of elapsed time and remaining time:
  • elapsed-remaining.maki shows elapsed time and remaining time in a single text object with the id "SongTime". By default, elapsed time is to the left and remaining time is to the right. Left-click to swap.
  • round-elapsed-time.maki shows elapsed time in a text object with the id "elapsed time".
  • round-remaining-time.maki shows remaining time in a text object with the id "remaining time".
  • songtime.maki displays elapsed time, remaining time and song length in a single text object.
  • twotimers.maki displays elapsed time and remaining time in two different text objects.
  • jvc-clock.maki shows elapsed time and remaining time if playback is on and time of day if off.

Update 1 (2023-06-18): fixed a bug reported by dro:
I've found that when the skin first loads in a paused state it'll show the 'old' elapsed time & then adjusts to the 'corrected' elapsed time.

Update 2 (2023-06-19): replaced threetimers.maki with twotimers.maki because it turned out that song length needs no rounding.

mc.exe v1.2 from what I remember is the last compiler that was released & is the one to use when trying to compile any m -> maki files

mc.exe is the same in both and MAKI Compiler The difference is only in the number of .m and .mi files and in where they are within the directory structure.

Skins / This might fix v163
« on: June 13, 2023, 11:24:07 AM »
I just noticed an issue with the info box that contains the song title, artist, album, etc. This info is not updated when the next song starts if the album art or artist associated with the song is the same as was associated with the previous song.

Hi Aminifu,

This may fix the issue:
  • Download the attached file and unzip it.
  • Download Defix Hi-END MAKI and unzip it.
  • Copy fileinfo.m from the Defix Hi-END MAKI sources\FILEINFO folder into compile-defix-fileinfo.
  • Launch cmd, cd into compile-defix-fileinfo and run the following command:
    mc.exe fileinfo
  • Copy fileinfo.maki into Defix Hi-End 163_Beta/scripts

Skins / Re: Ariszló’s Study Skin released
« on: June 03, 2023, 08:45:58 PM »
Version 1.3.1 has been released at WinCustomize, DeviantArt and here. :)

What's new?

Version 1.3
  • Fixed progress popup text not showing when switching to this skin from another one.
  • Added unlinked="1" to the layout tag of the shade layout.
  • Added nocover.png for songs without cover art.
  • Added link to Winamp XML wiki in links.xml
Version 1.3.1
  • Fixed progress popup text not showing if Winamp starts up with playback resumed.
If you are upgrading from version 1.2 or earlier then please delete the following two lines in the Container:links section in AppData\Roaming\Wacup\studio.xnf:

    <entry name="rect" value="0,0,525,350" />
    <entry name="restoredrect" value="0,0,525,350" />


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