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Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

Author Topic: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi  (Read 6823 times)


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Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« on: August 24, 2022, 06:11:58 PM »

Thanks for your time.

Concerning gen_lyrics.dll, I have a few suggestions and thoughts on these suggestions I noted down. Here they are.

1. (High priority) Respect the empty lines in .lrc files. As of now, they are omitted from display. So the entire lyrics text is bunched up together.
At least that's the case with the .lrc files that contain timestamps. ([00:00.00])
If the .lrc file contains text and text only, I DOES respect the spacing. Right?
It would be nice to see the chorus' and verses in timestamped .lrc files be spaced out a well. Hope that makes sense.

2a. (Low priority) Highlight a line, with the same highlight color as a currently selected/playing song is. Karaoke style, which is currently missing. Right?

2b. (Low priority) Highlight a line, with the same highlight background-color as a currently selected/playing song is. So set according to the current player color scheme.

2c. (Low priority) Highlight empty lines (somehow) to indicate to the listener where the song as at, in terms of timestamp. Explained: If you glance away from lyrics and return for another glance, you sometimes don't see/find which lyric line will be highlighted next. Right? -If empty lines would get highlighted (and stay highlighted) with a background color, that would solve it. Or something else. A little dot. A little star. Etc.

3a. (Low priority) Opacity of the Album Art. Sometimes you want a lower opacity Album Art behind the lyrics, for better readability. Maybe it's just me. Joke. (Would become obsolete if highlighted line would get its own highlight background-color)

3b. (Low priority) Allow for Album Art to be repeated, in either X or Y axis. Way cool!

4. (Low priority) Change "No lyrics were found : (" to just "(No lyrics present)"

I'm basically asking for some spacing, right? (1.)
And for the work on WACUP's lyrics plugin to get some attention? :-) Right? dro?

Again, thanks for reading!

Been making some lyrics lately.

Installed WACUP,
after abandoning BS.Player and than installing and abandoning WinAmp really,
And I've been having a ball with it!

Good job, dro! WACUP is wack. I'm diggin' it!

Happy to be here.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 07:10:00 PM by SwiftReal »


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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2022, 06:15:44 PM »
Here's an example I want to provide.
If we take a look at the "Bryan Adams - Summer Of '69" lyrics I recently made, at timestamp 49 seconds 28 milliseconds in, there is no text entered to the right of the timestamp, to separate one verse or chuck of text from another.

Code: [Select]
[00:45.64]Those were the best days of my life
[00:56.29]Ain't no use in complainin',

If, dro, you could add a check, in the gen_lyrics plugin, to check if the text entered next to a timestamp is empty, and if so replace it with (or interpret as) a <space>, it would display correctly. I think.

Thank for checking out the topic.
Hope it'll get some attention.

Not intending to bump the topic though.  ;D
Have a nice day!


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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2022, 01:28:28 AM »
I've had a look with the example & I was incorrectly stripping line breaks from anything after a ] when a [ ] pair was found on a line before it's passed on to the plug-in to render. I've changed what I'm doing so it seems to do what's wanted whilst not causing any obvious regressions from what I can see with prior files (embedded / external) I've used for testing.

I've also changed the no lyrics text as per the suggestion.

The rest of the points still need the core support added to have playback vs what's shown to be possible. For now it's purely just a means of showing what the lyrics text is (if present) over a background image (if configured). I'd also need to double-check but I think I've already set the background image to have a greater level of blending with the background so it's less likely to be overwhelming the text (unless the image is really bright in nature).



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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2022, 02:00:52 AM »
That's way cool, dro! Yeah, I knew there was something up with it... Glad you found it. And happy to assist.

Hope the core support for LRC file playback gets some attention as well. At some point.  :)
Hope it's not too complicated! I'd love to see some of my work being displayed in WACUP.
I know, I can only hope and encourage. Will love to see it highlighted on day!

Thanks for taking a look! I'm sure beta-tester will be able to confirm or deny if lyrics are rendered more properly now.  ;)

If you have any updates about it in the future, please do revisit this here topic and let me know.
I'd love to hear about!



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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2022, 01:57:58 PM »
Something else, I recently noticed and is worth mentioning.
When a song is played with a rather long list of lyrics, I scroll down past the bottom border (manually) to read what's next.
Nothing wrong there. Everything fine.
But when I have scrolled all the way down and the player moves on to the next song in the list,
(ad that song also has a long list of lyrics going past the bottom threshold)
the next songs's lyrics is also scrolled down that same window height (still),
(even-though it's a new song being started) if that makes sense.

OK, it could be that someone starts a song from a different timestamp than 00:00.00
Maybe then the lyrics text shouldn't be scrolled to the top,
but if a song is played from beginning, it should. Right?

Some more of my 2cents


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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2022, 04:18:40 PM »
It should be resetting the position back to the top if the file currently being shown changes. Have now changed that to happen in the internal builds.



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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2022, 04:35:08 PM »
Excellent, dro
Keep it up,
And have a nice day!

I checked if it acted any different if I click either Previous Track or Next Track buttons, but no.
Wether I double-click on another song (with also a large amount of lyrics) or use the change track buttons,
it stubbornly remembers the scroll height. Thought, perhaps, it was worth checking and mentioning, if the way a song is changed has less ill-effect. But no.


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(Acute accent) character possibly caussing issues
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2022, 02:46:23 AM »
Some more feedback:

Worked on making lyrics for an album called "Eat ’em and Smile", the studio album by David Lee Roth.
Someone on the forums once mentioned, weird characters showing up at times in the Lyrics window. Japanese characters and the like...
Well, I've noticed that having a album title with an (Acute accent) character "’" in it, doesn't help prevent this issue. I will put it.

[al: Eat ’em and Smile ]

Replacing it with a (Single quote) character  "'" resolved the issue.

[al: Eat 'em and Smile ]

Thought I'd come mention.

Code     Symbol      CSS        Hex      Description
180       ´                \00b4      0xb4     Acute accent - spacing acute


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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2022, 05:38:42 PM »
hi again dro,

Wanted to post some feedback/suggestions about the Lyrics plugin.

As of now, when double-clicking inside the Lyrics window, does the same as "Explore item(s) folder".
Can you change it to toggling either Maximize Window or Restore Window instead?
That would be alot more useful then what it does by default now.
Hope you'll consider it. I'm often in Maximize Window mode myself. :)

Another idea was to make the border disappear, when in Maximize Window mode,
as if in a type of borderless fullscreen mode,
but only if you take on board the first suggestion, which would make it easy to toggle out of the mode.
Thought it'd be a nice suggestion.
(Pressing Esc, when in Maximize Window mode, should then ALSO Restore Window though. Ideally.) :)

Some suggestions. Some thoughts.
None bug related. Don't know if you'd take any of it on board...
If even at a much later point in time.

What do you think?
Take care.


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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2022, 01:38:50 PM »
Well, I've noticed that having a album title with an (Acute accent) character "’" in it, doesn't help prevent this issue. I will put it.
It took me a bit to realise you're probably looking at the file info dialog. I've had a quick look & it's because I'm generically trying to convert the read data assuming the utf-8 code page but the character you've used doesn't map cleanly with that conversion & it gets messy quickly in not knowing for certain what the encoding of the file might be (I'd not come across any with a BOM on them). Bit stumped on what to do for this for now tbh.



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Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2022, 04:30:24 PM »
I see. I thought just having it search for that character and replace it with a single quote would work out fine.
Simply not allowing it to be displayed, but change every occurrence of it to a single quote before outputting any text in the Lyrics window. (For now)
But, I was just mainly here to report it. Not fix it. Haha. :)