Well, after some time testing the system, this is my experience:
- Having an almost full Wordpress editor is a game changer, I know it gives space to wildly different skin pages but.. what the heck, power to the people!!!
- Site is fast
- ".wal" files should be accepted by default, despite security reasons, it's a Winamp skins site! It makes 200% sense to have working ".wal" files
- Categories could use some specifics, like "Winamp modern skin", "Winamp classic skin", ""Winamp Classic Pro skin", "WMC", etc (in fact, this seems like not developed actually, grouping skins from different apps isn't of much use unless I'm doing some school asignment and I'd like to see all the sports-related themes for Bootstrap and.. Winamp -¿?-)
- Header image doesn't show on mobile (fixing this would help to standarize the format of skin's pages)
- reCAPTCHA is annoyingly showing on home page (I have the same issue with a web page I'm mantaining!)
- Feels like it needs a standarized Download button.