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Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

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Messages - SwiftReal

Pages: [1] 2
Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: October 22, 2022, 09:36:20 PM »
I think it can only be avoided if any of the other tabs (Media Library, Video, Vizualisations, Browser) are set to not display the cover inside the CoverPlaying tab. And re-display it when the CoverPlaying tab is selected again. I don't see any other way.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« on: September 16, 2022, 04:30:24 PM »
I see. I thought just having it search for that character and replace it with a single quote would work out fine.
Simply not allowing it to be displayed, but change every occurrence of it to a single quote before outputting any text in the Lyrics window. (For now)
But, I was just mainly here to report it. Not fix it. Haha. :)

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« on: September 09, 2022, 05:38:42 PM »
hi again dro,

Wanted to post some feedback/suggestions about the Lyrics plugin.

As of now, when double-clicking inside the Lyrics window, does the same as "Explore item(s) folder".
Can you change it to toggling either Maximize Window or Restore Window instead?
That would be alot more useful then what it does by default now.
Hope you'll consider it. I'm often in Maximize Window mode myself. :)

Another idea was to make the border disappear, when in Maximize Window mode,
as if in a type of borderless fullscreen mode,
but only if you take on board the first suggestion, which would make it easy to toggle out of the mode.
Thought it'd be a nice suggestion.
(Pressing Esc, when in Maximize Window mode, should then ALSO Restore Window though. Ideally.) :)

Some suggestions. Some thoughts.
None bug related. Don't know if you'd take any of it on board...
If even at a much later point in time.

What do you think?
Take care.

Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: September 09, 2022, 04:58:27 PM »
Hi ChocolateAdventurouz,

Something I noticed with CoverPlaying mod, and wanted to mention.
Sometimes, when I'm in Visualization Tab, I can see the picture from the CoverPlaying Tab underneith the Milkdrop2 preset that is playing.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 07, 2022, 09:05:46 PM »
(Im testing with adding URLs from YouTube. Some videos from YouTube do not play smooth at all. Other are fine.)
not modplace's problem  ;D - Winamp/WACUP have problems on video playback sometimes.

It sure does. But it ain't really a video player.

I've noticed that it can help some videos render, as opposed to not rendering, when you go to
Preferences -> Plugins -> Input -> NullSoft DirectShow Decoder v1.13
Click Configure and add MPEG-4 to the File Association extention list there.

From this:
To this:

Not feedback. Worth mentioning.
Maybe it's better added elsewhere. I don't know. But since it handles MPEG, I figured to give it a try.

Talk to you later.

Do you happen to know how I can prevent WACUP from resizing the Main Window, whenever a rather high-res video (from YouTube) is loaded in?

Preferences -> Video -> Resize video window to fit video

Thanks :)

Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: September 07, 2022, 07:20:13 PM »
Downloaded and gave it a try. Yes. Does what it says on the box. :) But, it doesn't remember the settings next time I load the player though.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 07, 2022, 06:38:57 PM »
Nice going.

I think "Video playback to cover enabled." would be bit more user-friendly message. (line 59)
I also added some spacing in Y-axis; changed from 5 to 25. (same line 59)

It's unfortunate that the player has to seemingly be reloaded twice, after enabling "Video playback to cover" though.

It works, with one caveat though, I have to slightly resize the area for the video to render and not stay blacked out.
(Im testing with adding URLs from YouTube. Some videos from YouTube do not play smooth at all. Other are fine.)

Do you happen to know how I can prevent WACUP from resizing the Main Window, whenever a rather high-res video (from YouTube) is loaded in?

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 06:09:55 PM »
I think it takes (or could take) up too much resources to render two videos. But that's a guess. Better just simply respect that restriction.

EDIT: I think it's best to toggle it* off when the Video Tab is selected. Any other tab should toggles it* on.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 05:43:06 PM »
Yea, you're right. Switching to Media Library Tab first, for example, helps out.
What also helps is (while not having Video Tab loaded!) I just toggle "Show Album Art if Playlist is enlarged"* off and on.
Then the video in "Video playback to cover" area appears again.

Maybe, just a thought, you can have the mod toggle that* (off and then on) whenever you (1.) load/click a different Tab than the Video Tab, and 2. the "Video playback to cover" mod is enabled ofcourse.


Clicking the Video Tab perhaps should toggle it off, by default. What do you think? Can't have two videos visibly playing simultaneously. Right? :)

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 05:07:53 PM »
No problem! Yea, enable the "Show Album Art if Playlist is enlarged" if it is disabled.
However, when I tried playing a video and checking out your mod, the display stayed black. (blacked out)
Video was playing in the video Tab, but not in the "Video playback to cover" area. So, didn't have a great experience with it. In all honesty.

Another thing which would be a nice addition, if possible, is when you right-click the CoverPlaying album art picture,
and select "Refresh Album Art" that it would change to the next Album Art, if any more art is present.
This feature however also does not work by default in WACUP, when doing the same action on the art under enlarged playlist.
(If that makes sense.) Don't know if you can make 'm work.

I'll make sure to leave a post if I have any more feedback.
Have a great day! :-)

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 03:09:50 PM »
Great! No worries.

I tried installing it again and see if anything changed. And yes. It worked!
Player didn't crash. Found and tried all the features, all of which worked fine.

However, I noticed something odd with "Enable/Disable File Labels".
Something minor.
When enabled the checkmark in the menu is not drawn. And vice versa.
When disabled the checkmark in the menu is drawn.
Should be the other way around.
Something you overlooked, I think.

Concerning the 6th mod you made, I forgot where/how to enabled the Album Art under the que list. Can you tell me where it is?
So, I haven't tested the "Video playback to cover" of ModPlace yet.

EDIT: Found where. Options > Playlist > Show Album Art if Playlist is enlarged
EDIT2: You could just change "Enable/Disable File Labels" to "Enable/Disable Hiding File Labels"

Preview Build Discussion / (Acute accent) character possibly caussing issues
« on: September 06, 2022, 02:46:23 AM »
Some more feedback:

Worked on making lyrics for an album called "Eat ’em and Smile", the studio album by David Lee Roth.
Someone on the forums once mentioned, weird characters showing up at times in the Lyrics window. Japanese characters and the like...
Well, I've noticed that having a album title with an (Acute accent) character "’" in it, doesn't help prevent this issue. I will put it.

[al: Eat ’em and Smile ]

Replacing it with a (Single quote) character  "'" resolved the issue.

[al: Eat 'em and Smile ]

Thought I'd come mention.

Code     Symbol      CSS        Hex      Description
180       ´                \00b4      0xb4     Acute accent - spacing acute

Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: August 28, 2022, 02:59:55 AM »
Yeah, great mod! Made a little post about it here. Before I notice this topic though. :p

I think you should add the ability to disable the "Now Playing" section, the "Version" section and allow for the listener to name the tab to what they want. -I'm sure people will appreciate it more if they had the choice of either displaying these things or not. Easy to do? Hard to do?

What do you think?

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: August 28, 2022, 02:42:30 AM »
I tried your plugin, but it didn't work.
-Made backup of Big Bento folder <WACUP Directory>\Skins\Big Bento
-Extracted the files from "" to <WACUP Directory>\Skins\Big Bento
-Tested it. Worked fine.
-Installed your mod "" in the same folder.
-Tested it in the same manner. The player wouldn't start up.

-Did a do-over. Reverted Big Bento skin back to default files.
-Installed only "" this time.

So I just wanted to let you @ChocolateAdventurouz know of this.
(I didn't install the "Big Bento WACUPFied" and "Big Bento Redux WACUPFied" mods you mentioned though!)

However I mainly wanted to post some information about the CoverPlaying mod.
I like it. But here's some changes I applied to hide a couple if things.

If you want to change the following things, find, open and edit the following lines in
<WACUP Directory>\Skins\Big Bento\xml\player-normal-sui.xml file.

(I used red for what to find, and green for what to replace it with.)

1/ (If) You want to change the name of the Tab from "⭐CoverPlaying" to anything else you prefer, (ex. "Cover")

on line 371, find:


and change to:


2/ (If) You want to hide the CoverPlaying version info "⭐CoverPlaying - Version 1.12" entirely, instead of it displaying,

on line 250, find:

text="⭐CoverPlaying - Version 1.12"

and change to:


3/ (If) You want to hide the "Now Playing: Artist - Song Title" part entirely, instead of it displaying,

on line 246, find:

x="0" y="0" w="1000000" h="15" visible="1"

and change 'visible' from 1 to 0, like so:

x="0" y="0" w="1000000" h="15" visible="0"

No discredit to the original mod maker. On the contrary. Love the modification you made!
I simply find it more appropriate this way.



Shoutout to Stevie Wonder and his band!  :D :D  8)

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Lyrics Plugin - Spacing and more, Hi
« on: August 26, 2022, 04:35:08 PM »
Excellent, dro
Keep it up,
And have a nice day!

I checked if it acted any different if I click either Previous Track or Next Track buttons, but no.
Wether I double-click on another song (with also a large amount of lyrics) or use the change track buttons,
it stubbornly remembers the scroll height. Thought, perhaps, it was worth checking and mentioning, if the way a song is changed has less ill-effect. But no.

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