I first tried to get the script working with Victhor's Komodo X Touchscreen v1.0 skin. I did a copy and paste from your reply #7 above. I didn't rename anything. But, I rather use the pop-up version anyway.
I'm now trying to get the pop-up version to work with Denis' Defix Hi-End v1.6.2 skin. This skin doesn't have a "PNG" folder. It uses a folder called "Data" to store it's png files. First I copied the "tooltip-popups.png" file to this folder and used it's name in the "bitmap id" line below. When this didn't work, I made a "PNG" folder for the skin and copied all the files from your Study Skinning skin's "PNG" folder to it. This also is not working. I'm probably defining the png for the "seeker.popup.bg" incorrectly. I currently have the following in the skin's "player.xml" file.
<!-- The following four tags are only needed if using seekerpopup,
an optional script popping up a tooltip to display the elapsed time
in percentage of the song length when hovering over the seeker.
<bitmap id="seeker.popup.bg" file="png/tooltip-popups.png" x="0" y="0" w="190" h="40"/>
id="Seeker Popup Background"
x="230" y="296"
alpha="0" ghost="1"
id="Playback Percentage"
x="234" y="300" w="182" h="32" align="center"
fontsize="26" color="0,0,0"
alpha="0" ghost="1"
<script id="seekerpopup" file="scripts/seekerpopup.maki"/>