Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Preview Build Discussion / Re: Bookmarks - Max Number?
« on: October 05, 2024, 07:11:12 PM »
Not sure why you're manually editing the bookmark files when the library view should be all that's needed to do it. Line breaks are part of the not really documented bm/bm8 file spec (not that it's hard for path & title being on separate lines) though maybe I should be a bit more lenient in my handling in case the file is being manually edited as seems to have been happening here.

The bmc file is a supporting file that allows for other info that winamp didn't offer which was from my categoriser plug-in & has been expanded upon with time so its not really something to be messed with tbh & the running view handling keeps things in-sync between the files.


General Discussion / Re: Winamp source code to be released
« on: October 01, 2024, 09:45:53 AM »
I cannot make any use of their code & doing so would prevent any wacup build being provided that makes use of it per their intentionally restrictive licence. I also don't want to be giving them my time & effort for free. A gen_ff replacement was always on the to-do list & still is so as long as I can keep developing wacup then it'll eventually happen.


Preview Build Discussion / Re: Song Ratings not displaying in File Info
« on: September 28, 2024, 03:17:06 PM »
I've still not been able to replicate this either with builds 20088 (current preview build as of this reply) nor 20202 (dev/beta build as I reply but will be going up shortly as a new preview build) so I'm a bit stumped on why there's such an issue since the information is seemingly present in the local library per your screenshot.

Am a bit stumped since this should just be working fine so one option is try to make a portable test install separate of the one you're already using (the installer has such a mode to do that) & then see if importing files into that still has the issue - that'll at least mostly rule out it being a local library db problem.


General Discussion / Re: Winamp source code to be released
« on: September 27, 2024, 02:22:08 PM »
I never expected it to be helpful & per my last reply in this thread it seems to have ended up being more restrictive than I was expecting at the time but restrictive & focused on how to get them a free dev team was about spot on with my speculation. As I've mentioned elsewhere I'm not going to touch it with a barge pole & really its many years too late to be of any use assuming that it'd have been provided permissively.


It disables it when your on the prefs page otherwise it'd be triggering things when you're making changes to the timeout.

As for the streaming issue that raised all of this, I've recently been working on my initial implementation to be able to drop the need for the in_mp3 plug-in from 5.666 for mp3 & aac playback but its likely going to bring its own quirks that'll need to be worked out once its made available. Connection timeouts are an area I'm trying to keep in mind & my crude tests so far tend to detect it but I don't know how well that'll relate to what you've been experiencing vs how I need to configure the library I'm using for making the connection to avoid it incorrectly timing out & dropping the connection when it's still valid. So that's something to fear or look forward to in a later wacup build.


Resolved Issues / Re: cant open internet radio
« on: September 25, 2024, 09:38:04 AM »
My guess as I don't know what your media library window (or the embedded area in the skin being used) looks like has had its navigation tree panel put all the way to the left of the window which would then hide it. There should be a vertical divider by the left edge of the media library window if that's happened which can either be click & dragged to the right or double-click on the divider for it to try to resize itself to the contents of the navigation tree. Otherwise a screenshot of your running wacup instance would be needed to try to figure it out.


Preview Build Discussion / Re: Song Ratings not displaying in File Info
« on: September 24, 2024, 06:05:43 PM »
What is the file type of the files you're having issues with? As not all file formats support embedded rating metadata & aspects of wacup's rating handling will mean its only able to be stored in the local library & not the file itself. Also can you confirm if this is happening with the current preview build #20088 please.


Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: September 22, 2024, 12:15:22 PM »
Winamp 5.666 only made it more visible how messed up those skins were. So, the two of us do not really disagree.
Is all good & yes I agree with that & in hindsight the intent of that change like so many things was rushed in trying to do what seemed to make sense when probably it'd have been better to leave it alone but that's hindsight for you.


Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: September 21, 2024, 03:51:20 PM »
I'm seeing the menu issue with Vocaloid 001 also under 5.666 so that doesn't appear to be a wacup introduced issue...

Yes, the menus of many skins got messed up with the skinned menus, re-introduced in Winamp 5.666, if the value for the wasabi.window.text colour definition was the same as or very similar to the window background colour.
That's entirely down to the skinners imho. Enabling skinned menus by default was to try to make the ui more consistent within itself vs what was seemingly coming in with Windows menus vs the skinned look being at odds. So I'm going to disagree that enabling it messed things up as it can only ever go with the information that skins provide to it.

Could / should more be more done to try to avoid it yes & from a wacup stance where I've still to implement trying to read in the modern skin menu values it's going to have to wait until that for something to be attempted to try to force enough distance between the text vs background colouring (which'll be more likely to then mess things up for skins that otherwise need to be updated).


Skins / Re: Anyway to fix this two skins?
« on: September 21, 2024, 01:11:33 AM »
I've yet to try the modifications mentioned above (am sure they're all good) but I'm seeing the menu issue with Vocaloid 001 also under 5.666 so that doesn't appear to be a wacup introduced issue which'd match to the suggested edit to the skin.

With Vocaloid 002, that is wacup specific as part of how I've gotten 5.666's gen_ff plug-in working outside of winamp. Based on what's shown in the screenshot along with ariszlo's suggestion it'll be down to something with how I handle regions being wrong or its exposed something the skin was doing wrong.

Alas I was hoping that a fix I've got coming up for cpro skins & how layers without images are dealt with might've helped with this issue but it doesn't seem to from a quick test of the skin. Will add this to things to check out but for now would go with modifying the copy of the skin as the best way to get things fixed until I can look into the problem in my code.


Preview Build Discussion / Re: Streams not working in
« on: September 19, 2024, 08:56:10 AM »
The x64 build per the notes in every beta sub-forum build thread doesn't currently have support for MP3 nor AAC streams & is something I've still to implement (x86 can since the re-used in_mp3 dll provides that support for now but needs me to finish off some of my replacement for it so the x64 build can then have that streaming support).

I'm not in a position to try the other links as of this reply & maybe they're opus based streams which is something else I've got to implement. As a lot of opus & ogg vorbis streams have the .ogg extension which at the moment confuses trying to play them & is something planned for a later build to be resolved.


Preferences -> Media Library -> Local Library -> Options tab -> un-check "Automatically add played files to the database
(When disabled playcounts are only stored by the history plug-in)" which iirc is in a similar place in the preferences vs what 5.666's ml_local plug-in had offered.


Preview Build Discussion / Re: Selection inaccuracies
« on: September 14, 2024, 12:37:32 AM »
The quantity of items being added are likely going to be the main reason vs how other aspects are then trying to get the needed metadata, etc to be able to display the separators & other playlist items as needed. Also from what I could see in the gif, the lack of a reasonable wait between double-clicks most likely means the local library -> main playlist action is still in progress when the next attempted double-click is happening along with the attempted update of the now playing indicator (since most of this is done on various background threads & the timing interactions might be off with them with all of the really quick double-clicking happening).

The separator titles not completing being updated is definitely wrong which I'll have to look into. The other aspects not being able to react fast enough & that causing the lack of the expected now playing update, etc is something I'll also need to look into though it would be useful to see if the current build 20088 makes any difference or not as it had a small change to how metadata from the local library is obtained (not done directly with this thread's issue) which may or may not help what you're experiencing.

Hopefully that makes some sense as I think it's mostly down to triggering too many of the actions too soon & they're taking a bit too long to complete vs the rate of double-clicks being attempted.


Preview Build Discussion / Re: Questions about Ajaxamp/Ampwifi
« on: September 12, 2024, 03:01:06 PM »
At least under older Windows installs, there'd be a dialog prompt the first time there was an attempt to make an outbound connection & what type of network / access is allowed. If that didn't appear with the WACUP instance then maybe Win11 either isn't showing such things or there's an OS / A/V setting that's defaulting to not allow it (based on the other post detailing more about the system's configuration).

So for that plug-in to be able to accessed you should only need to allow the specific port that's been configured to be used with it & not enabling full port access which shouldn't be needed & isn't something I'd ever recommend being done.

For WACUP's normal usage its typically only going to get streams its told to use or files from the WACUP site (e.g. version checking & get the internet radio updates). Since build 19994 it can also attempt to do web look-ups for lyrics & missing albumart (via the 3rd party sacad tool which needs its own access setup as applicable) but if those aren't wanted then Preferences -> General -> Internet | Online has options to control & turn them off.

The only other things typically done are the posting of the current albumart to the server if the Discord now playing option is enabled & trying to post crash reports to the site server if that happens. There is the streaming server mode but that has to be configured & enabled which is not on by default.

With the ajaxamp config problem, I'll have to see if I can figure out where the plug-in is storing its settings as I don't know if its storing things in the registry or a local file. From a quick look at the dll exports its more likely to be a local file & if I can hook the plug-in OS api calls then I might be able to apply a patch to it to be able to redirect where it saves things which would help in this instance & would help to make it be portable mode happy. As many winamp plug-ins weren't built to follow the settings folder apis (often due to pre-dating those 2.9x additions) nor accounting for multiple usage.

Its using "%appdata%\gen_ajaxamp\gen_ajaxamp.ini" for its config file location & I seem to be able to hook the plug-in. With the next WACUP build I'll be looking to move a copy of that (if present) into %appdata%\wacup\ajaxamp.ini (assuming a default install or what equates to <wacup_settings_folder>\ajaxamp.ini) & then have things override the plug-in to look at the copy in the settings folder. That should then allow you to configure things separately & also helps to make the plug-in be portable mode friendly.


General Discussion / Re: Hello I'm new to the forum.
« on: September 12, 2024, 02:40:54 PM »
Ah reputation based checking. The "fun" of where to get the file you need to download it but to download it you need to already have the reputation. Little I can do about that but will keep it in mind as I know the non-MS options have also caused similar problems but there's usually been a prompt of some sort to indicate its happening unlike what appears to have happened with the Win11 implementation of nothing for you. Its also a bit weird how getting the update via the really old build doesn't seem to be checked with that so for now am going to put that in my Win11 does things that Win10 probably doesn't mental list.


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