Hello everybody. I'm New to the forum, but a very long time winamp fan. I first found it in the late 90s. I don't know when it originally came out. but I found it in the late 90s, and I did not need to search for any other music player! I fell in love with winamp. and I haven't switched or changed since then. I was very pleased and excited to see that it's back in production. and that there's support for it. I have 'winamp' 5.9.2 and I do NOT like where they are taking the software at all. So, I'm switching to WACUP. I installed it a few days ago to check it out. I'm very grateful for this program and I hope to give you my support in any way I can.
Question: When I tried to install build 19994, I clicked on the install program and it did nothing. I then went to the previous build and nothing. I had to go all the way back to build WACUP_Preview_v1_0_21_7236 in order for it to install. Then it did an auto-update and it installed the latest build. It seemed like a possible security issue? Why did it do that?