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Author Topic: Do you ever use the mute button?  (Read 2645 times)


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Do you ever use the mute button?
« on: May 24, 2023, 04:14:09 PM »
While it might make sense to mute the sound while watching a subtitled movie, I don't see the point of having a mute button in a music player. If I'm interrupted while listening to music, I just pause the playback.

I know that Winamp/WACUP can play videos and I occasionally watch some music clips with it but I never use it for movies.

Is it just me who never uses the mute button in Winamp/WACUP?
Ariszló @ WinCustomize & DeviantArt


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Re: Do you ever use the mute button?
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2023, 04:43:34 PM »
Maybe they still need it to keep playing even if not needing the audio to be heard if taking a call, etc due to the visualisation aspect still running.

Honestly there's so many things within a lot of the skins & also the plug-ins that don't make sense for most people to have exist but as I've found over too many years that sometimes it's just how people are wired that makes a certain different way of doing things make more sense to them vs doing it via another action (e.g. click a mute button in the modern skins that implement it vs click & drag the volume slider or fast scroll the mouse wheel if applicable).

Whether it's useful to have it around is debatable & isn't something I've ever really thought about as the skins that do implement it don't seem to make it be massively in the way of doing other things.



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Re: Do you ever use the mute button?
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2023, 01:03:12 AM »
I use the mute button from time to time for various reasons and would miss it if it wasn't there. I activate it in the gen_win7shell plug-in to use with the skins I use that don't have one.
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Re: Do you ever use the mute button?
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2023, 10:11:07 AM »
I don't think I have ever used it. But it's also not bothering me.
Personally I use the dedicated mute button on my keyboard (that mutes everything, not just wacup) and personally I don't have any scenario where I would want to mute wacup specifically while keeping the song playing. But maybe someone does