Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Go to Preferences -> Media Library -> Local Library -> View Filters tab -> turn off the option for 'Use Album Artist when grouping the Album & Album Art filter results' & see if that helps or not. Really you need to have the same albumartist set to avoid ambiguity though changing that prefs option will try a slightly different mode which might work better when its missing / incomplete & makes more use of the location of the files as a different way to determine what is an 'album'.
Preview Build Discussion / Re: Missing thing in Streaming Source and wanted features.
« Last post by dro on February 10, 2025, 10:23:18 AM »
For the crash, try changing the output plug-in to notsoyasapi (preferences -> plug-ins -> output -> change the one in the dropdown). Though the crash report is incomplete so it could be any number of things going on but as there was a mention of dsound in the summary log that was collected that's the only thing I can suggest unless you run wacup via its procdump mode (either manually running wacup.exe /procdump from the command-line or via preferences -> advanced -> error reporting -> bottom section of that prefs page).

Ogg+Vorbis, Ogg+Flac, Opus have been on my todo list for some time but I just haven't had the active interest to implement them.
For the ones that are not joined together, you might try editing the meta tags of those files such that the Album Artist is the same for all of them (something like "Various Artists" or "Name of Album Artists").  Most likely, those files just have Artist (ie Track Artist) entered with the Album Artist being blank or the same as Artist.

Anyway, it groups albums by Album and Album Artist.  If Album Artist is missing, then it seem to group by Album and Artist.

That's what I think is going on anyway.
hmmm i wonder if it is the album artist not being the same or something, its weird
bc in the limp bizkit significant other album, the different artists tracks are there not separated, just not in order of the album
For the ones that are not joined together, you might try editing the meta tags of those files such that the Album Artist is the same for all of them (something like "Various Artists" or "Name of Album Artists").  Most likely, those files just have Artist (ie Track Artist) entered with the Album Artist being blank or the same as Artist.

Anyway, it groups albums by Album and Album Artist.  If Album Artist is missing, then it seem to group by Album and Artist.

That's what I think is going on anyway.

for some reason stuff like the jojo's venture dreamcast OST and the hotline miami ost has the album separated because of the different artists, how do i merge them so its just one thing?
same goes for the crazy taxi trillogy OST, it separates the album into multiple because of the artists
Preview Build Discussion / Re: Missing thing in Streaming Source and wanted features.
« Last post by Djarum on February 09, 2025, 09:19:37 PM »
re: crashing, what build & type (x86 or x64) are you using? It'll probably be easier to message me a copy of the last crash report (assuming one was able to be self-generated by WACUP) which should be accessible via the link on preferences -> advanced -> error reporting.

Done. Let me know if you need anything else.

I wasn't aware of this & my intent when I added Icecast source support was to just mirror what matched up with the SHOUTcast handling. It seems I'd need to provide a "ice-description" header value when the connection is being able to achieve what's being asked for.

Awesome. Any plans on making more encoder options as well? I have been using mp3 for my stream but I know with icecast ogg and flac are very popular options as well.
Preview Build Discussion / Re: Album art in Discord rich presence
« Last post by dro on February 09, 2025, 04:46:02 PM »
If the ini entry isn't there then that will be due to the plug-in handling things not deeming there to have been a connection issue. Based on a few other reports of issues & it possibly being DNS related, I'm going to try something out for the next build to try to minimise the issue being on my side - it still won't help if the issue is potentially on the discord side & maybe my trying to upload the image vs when the discord client then tries to process things is somehow wrong (not sure how it'd be that as I wait to do the discord rpc call until the upload completes).
Preview Build Discussion / Re: Missing thing in Streaming Source and wanted features.
« Last post by dro on February 09, 2025, 04:43:28 PM »
re: crashing, what build & type (x86 or x64) are you using? It'll probably be easier to message me a copy of the last crash report (assuming one was able to be self-generated by WACUP) which should be accessible via the link on preferences -> advanced -> error reporting.

I have been using the Streaming Source for a bit here and it is seemingly working very well. There is an oversight that is missing, in the directory there is no option for "description" which at least in Icecast is a standard in it's metadata. It just outputs "Unspecified description" to the server.
I wasn't aware of this & my intent when I added Icecast source support was to just mirror what matched up with the SHOUTcast handling. It seems I'd need to provide a "ice-description" header value when the connection is being able to achieve what's being asked for.
Preview Build Discussion / Re: Missing thing in Streaming Source and wanted features.
« Last post by Djarum on February 09, 2025, 04:16:56 PM »
And in further testing the Advert/PSA crashes WACUP consistently when it triggers.
Preview Build Discussion / Missing thing in Streaming Source and wanted features.
« Last post by Djarum on February 08, 2025, 11:45:49 PM »
I have been using the Streaming Source for a bit here and it is seemingly working very well. There is an oversight that is missing, in the directory there is no option for "description" which at least in Icecast is a standard in it's metadata. It just outputs "Unspecified description" to the server.

Another thing that would be nice for streaming radio is giving multiple options in the Adverts/PSAs. For example being able to have it randomly choose a file from a folder to play every x amount of songs. Or for more advanced usage being able to chain 3 or 4 tracks from different folder/playlists, for example a file from /news/, /weather/ and /commercial/ folders every hour on the hour.
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