Preview Build Discussion / Album art in Discord rich presence
« Last post by chromaatic on Yesterday at 09:30:50 PM »Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place or has already been said, I can't really figure out how to navigate this forum 人(_ _ ;)
I noticed album art only appears on my discord profile about half the time.

Both screenshots were taken one after the other, I just kept stopping and starting the same song and waiting for it to update.
What causes this? I can't re-create it reliably, it just seems to happen.
If it's relevant, I had another issue with rich presence. For a while any changes I made to the ATF field would get reset to default the next time a song was played. I never found a solution, I just did it over and over until it worked (・_・;)
I noticed album art only appears on my discord profile about half the time.
Both screenshots were taken one after the other, I just kept stopping and starting the same song and waiting for it to update.
What causes this? I can't re-create it reliably, it just seems to happen.
If it's relevant, I had another issue with rich presence. For a while any changes I made to the ATF field would get reset to default the next time a song was played. I never found a solution, I just did it over and over until it worked (・_・;)