Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - JamminR

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Great options. Thanks for the continued excellence in keeping the app alive.

Thanks - that's great for 'bad' links.
I'd say a majority of 'commercial' services (shoutcast/icecast/...) would use proper http 80 vs https 443 ports, however, I hate to be a pain, would it still allow for custom https though?

Though I don't run any streaming audio servers myself, I do occasionally host SSL web sites on my home lab using non standard ports
https://blah:8080 or any other number of port numbers.
I could imagine a person using different ports for different streams.

I know, devils advocate here, but don't over-fix the code, considering the old version seemed more a bug handling broken files vs new one doing proper.
I was just hoping it could be made to fail faster.

Fixing the playlist files was a simple edit of removing :80 at end of URL - had no need to switch https to http.
Doing this has at least caused me to also remove the servers that would not respond no matter the player (due to age of the list)

I guess the 'old' version was a bug since it played 'https://blah:80"

This issue is resolved as far as i'm concerned.

I would suggest looking into determining if you could cause "connecting" attempts to fail sooner to move onto next item in list after a fallback.
I've not tested (yet - may forget, currently in a mid quick break of other work) to see what would happen if I just fed a playlist raw URLs with no http or https in front of the address.

Thanks for the assistance.
Keep up the great work.

Pardon my lack of full understanding - from the context, you're acknowledging this is a bug? (non-SSL not recognized?)
It will be added to an issue list, and some time corrected?
Even if my playlist has incorrect http vs https entries (i've obtained it from some years ago), it seems 'wrong' to me that the old version still plays it and the new does not without editing.

I went to and searched for some pulsradio stations - couldn't find this particular 'station, but dragging/dropping the PLS and M3U download links into the new preview seemed to work.

For all WACUP can and tries to do, I really use it 90% of the time to stream the music from while i'm doing other things on PC or in my office. Though i have several playlists from the site, I've attached the one I use most and am experiencing the below issue with.

Today, when starting WACUP_Preview_v1_0_21_7236 that I've used for many years, I was notified of the update to
I allowed an in-place upgrade. I then went back to my folder with my m3u files, double-clicked as i always do, and... no music ever played.
The new version opened. It showed the (new to me) Thinger. It opened the main deck, which, stayed at 00:00 play time.
I opened the playlist, and saw that several errors had occurred regarding the words 'connection sync error'.
I tries several of the items in the playlist.

I immediately re-installed WACUP_Preview_v1_0_21_723 from an old copy i had and am now streaming the music while typing this post.
(I tried finding a previous to the current preview on your site but i can't seem to find an archive release area)

How can I help fix this issue?


EDIT - Just tried installing into separate folders instead of the 'update installation' option - same error occurs.
Exact terminology = "Error Syncing to Stream"
(a few in the list might have 'time outs', but, at least one or two in the list should work and not give time out or error syncing

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