Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #18980 (April 24th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs) | Latest WACUP public preview is build #18980 (April 24th 2024) (x86 only)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Topics - dunkinsailor

Pages: [1]
Preview Build Discussion / Shuffle Playlist after adding from Media Library
« on: September 09, 2022, 03:19:02 PM »
First of all: I just discovered WACUP and it's so absolutely amazing!

One question: Is there an option to shuffle tracks after adding them via the Media Library? Currently it adds everything alphabetically and starts with the topmost track. However, I'd like it to start already in shuffled mode, and/or keep the structure of the albums.

Is there any option to enable this?

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