Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #19100 (May 10th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs) | Latest WACUP public preview is build #19100 (May 10th 2024) (x86 only)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - nostromov

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General Discussion / Re: Transfer to Device, IPOD Mini?
« on: June 09, 2020, 02:12:44 AM »
Hey, I've been able to find some idiotic instructions about this-and-that regarding the iPod Mini (which have nothing to do with your actual issue :)) & in this case, I'd start with this:

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You made three mistakes. First, you took the job. Second, you came light – a four-man crew for me? ******' insulting. But the worst mistake you made … Empty gun rack.

However, it's just a single thing going on here and that's wasting your money on Apple's devices. Their entire business model revolves around using proprietary technology, both software and hardware (down to manufacturing special kinds of screws, so that special tools would be needed to even access something), for the single purpose of trying to make absolutely sure that any-and-all money will go directly them - no matter what's going on, meh. What I'm trying to say is that they're the ultimate rip-off artists.

Here's just one example and most probably they got lucky for only not being in the US: "Apple Sued an Independent iPhone Repair Shop Owner and Lost"
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Aanyway, what ARE you trying to do? You do (?!) realize that WACUP, or WinAMP, is used for playing music files which are in special compressed formats, most commonly MP3 files. Different "raw" music files ripped-and-or-compressed into MP3s which will be smaller in size than the original and - depending on the options, it can get (just) a little technical - the file sizes will vary. Mostly this is measured and expressed in "bit rate", like a 128kbps, or 256kbps file (and there's also varying bit rate files and the max is usually 320kbps).

Aanyway x2, I'm guessing that you're wanting to transfer some music files from a PC, or wherever, to your iPod Mini? So, you could:

How to Add Music to an iPod Without Using iTunes
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How to Put Music on iPod Nano (With and without iTunes)
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Top 3 Ways to Transfer Mp3 to iPod (Again with and without iTunes)
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How to transfer music or files between computers and iPods?
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^^ Without me spamming the forums with more DuckDuckGo query results, is this what you were even talking about?..:) Basically, I think it's all done via iTunes, no?! In any case (geez, what I novel I've posted here, LOL), hope it helps! =)

General Discussion / Re: Splash images for WACUP
« on: June 08, 2020, 11:54:13 PM »
Feel free to download and use on your WACUP!

Hey, guys!..:) One of the first things I've noticed in Preferences, after installing, was the "Show splash screen at startup" option.. and, OMG., there's a forum topic about it; nice, thank you so much!! :))

These are some very cool images made, it's a shame that I'll have to rotate them manually - to be able to enjoy all (how awesome would that option be, to be able to automagically get 'em to change on each load); & um, wish I had something to contribute, BUT what I can do is SINCERELY THANK EVERYBODY involved with everything about this WinAMP project - our beloved, ULTIMATE, MP3 player. =)

^^ And perhaps keep the splash image on for longer.. because the ones here in the thread are totally-beautiful! xD

EDIT: Oh, the Show splash screen at startup preference says:

(Note: Place a splash.png or splash.bmp in your settings folder to customise the image that's shown)
.. Except, where's the "settings" folder - and, as far as I've able to tell, there's no "splash.x" file anywhere, to be able to figure this out myself. Some help, please, while I'm sticking the splash images all-over-the-place to see what works? xF

EDIT: Right, got it!.. It is simply the local user AppData folder, to place a splash.png or splash.bmp file in:

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^^ Use the Run... box to get there, keyboard shortcut is: Windows logo key + R (Opens teh Run dialog box :))

General Discussion / What's happened with winamp58_3660_beta?
« on: March 07, 2020, 01:40:45 AM »
[..] the post 5.666 release before that went sour but had assumed that it had all been thrown away (note: I refuse on principal to run that beta).

Am I reading that wrong (& sorry if I've missed the mark completely), something's happened with their new /leaked /resurrected software? Is WinAMP not revived?

If anyone in the know is bothered to let *me* know what's going on? Some web links, info, whatever that can allow me to catch-on would be great! Thanks guys!! :)

Preview Build Discussion / Re: How To Make WACUP Default?
« on: March 07, 2020, 01:31:41 AM »
[..] because it's a preview build & is designed to avoid integrating with the OS so builds can be tried out side-by-side then such things are completely expected to happen.

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& using the Web Reader (tab, section) to advance tracks in the Playlist actually launches a new instance of WinAMP?! It does nothing with WACUP. :(

Are we NOT supposed to install WinAMP and then WACUP (on top), is that what's going on, or?..

Edited only for grammar & syntax.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: CD Ripping?
« on: March 07, 2020, 01:19:25 AM »
Ripping will get re-implemented (since it's just playback with file conversion) however burning support is something I'm not sure about trying to re-implement.

For burning I have wondered about doing enough to create the file(s) needed to then be passed onto a dedicated burning program.

1) Really, do we (ever, again) need this?.. Especially in a player, such as WinAMP. Development resources can *surely* be -better- implemented on other things.

2) For sure, because #1 and /or simply DUMP all of that code; certainly we'd be better off, right? .o0


EDIT: There are TONS of (other) software that can rip'n'burn, just sayin'

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