Preview Build Discussion => Preview Build Discussion => Resolved Issues => Topic started by: zerla on March 09, 2020, 10:18:38 AM

Title: in_opus plugin conflict
Post by: zerla on March 09, 2020, 10:18:38 AM

I'm fairly new to wacup, but a winamp user since the very beginning. I noticed a problem with the combination of internet radio streams and the opus plugin.

I listen to .opus encoded files a lot. Also many youtube videos have audio tracks directly in .opus format. not the .ogg container format. Winamp 5.6x didn't support .opus out of the box. Luckily there was a plugin made for that.
the awesome in_opus.dll by Ramos_unchained found here:

Using this in_opus.dll plugin in WACUP is actually working out of the box. I can play my .opus files without problem. But I then noticed a problem in another place that occurs only when this plugin is loaded.

if in_opus.dll is loaded, WACUP won't play ANY radio streams I click in the "MEDIA LIBRARY" / "INTERNET RADIO" selection.

When I disable the in_opus.dll, all the internet radio streams are loading as expected, so it has clearly somethign to do with the plugin, or with wacup handling this plugin - i don't know.

any ideas for fixes?
Title: Re: in_opus plugin conflict
Post by: dro on March 10, 2020, 02:40:18 AM
From a quick try of the plug-in, it appears that it's saying it handles any http:// url which due to how things are queried it prevents in_mp3 (which handles most streams) from ever having an attempt to try & play the stream.

I'll need to try & contact the plug-in dev to hopefully correct that issue since it's not a WACUP specific issue though might be something that has been missed by the plug-in dev during testing &/or Winamp 2.x isn't working quite like 5.666 did (as WACUP tries to emulate).

I will however look into what I can do from within WACUP to try to avoid this sort of issue as I've seen it with some other plug-ins though I was able to directly patch those when found.

Title: Re: in_opus plugin conflict
Post by: Twilightseer on April 07, 2020, 10:35:44 AM

I use OPUS a lot too and when I looked for a way of playing such files in Winamp, I came across this OPUS input plug-in => http://bogproghome.hopto.org/downloadwinampopus.html

Works fine with local files and streams, and I just tested Internet Radio streams from Winamp's ML: non-opus streams play just fine.

Title: Re: in_opus plugin conflict
Post by: dro on April 07, 2020, 03:21:01 PM
The plug-in that was causing the issue has since been updated to resolve the issue it was causing which along with the in-WACUP changes should prevent such problems going forward.
