Hi ariszlo,
I'm happy with the script you suggested I use for fixing the info boxes in the DeFix skin. But, there is something happening that I want to tell you about. When first starting a WACUP session with this skin and script, the info boxes are not showing the expected info. But after the first selected file in the playlist is played (or manually switching to the next file and back) everything looks as expected.
One of the info boxes displays 4 lines (title, location, year and decoder) instead of the normal 5 lines (title, artist, album, year and decoder). The title displayed in the 4 line display is the ATF string used by the playlist editor window instead of the track's title that is displayed in the 5 line display.
The other info box normally shows the full albumart from the selected track and slivers of albumart from the next 4 following tracks. When first starting (before completing playback of the first selected track or switching to the next track and back) the full albumart and slivers of albumart shown are all from the first selected track.
I assume this is happening because the System.onTitleChange function in the script doesn't execute until playback of the first track completes or the first selected file is changed.
Also I think this skin with this script maybe causing the latest version of WACUP to crash, if it is left loaded without starting playback for an extended amount of time (30 minutes or more). I have no proof of this other than WACUP has not crashed when left loaded and not playing anything with other skins for around the same amount of time. I normally don't load WACUP without soon starting playback. However I have been using WACUP's ALT+3 file editor (the last two days) to edit the metadata in some of my files without starting playback. When I do it with this skin loaded a crash occurs after a half hour or more. When I do the same thing with another skin loaded no crash. There has also been no crashes when using WACUP to play files with this and any of the other skins I use, while editing files that are not in the playlist. This is weird, doesn't make sense and is probably circumstantial, but the crashes the last 2 days have only happened when this skin was loaded without starting playback. Can you think of anything this skin and script could be doing without starting playback that could cause a crash?
I know that I can't use the ALT+3 editor to edit a selected file that is playing. I can edit a selected file that is not playing, but could that be leading to the crashes? I've also been using this skin's feature that lets me get info for the selected PL file thru my external web browser. Could this be leading to the crashes?