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Author Topic: Big Bento Modern v1.2  (Read 261096 times)


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #30 on: May 25, 2018, 10:54:42 PM »
Put your mouse over the bar that is circled and drag it over to the right and the bars that you are looking for will appear.
see screenshot.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2018, 10:59:09 PM »
Put your mouse over the bar that is circled and drag it over to the right and the bars that you are looking for will appear.
see screenshot.

Thank you so much Mr Juanus


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2018, 03:20:41 PM »
Congratulations on the final release. Been using this skin for a while and absolutely love it. I even donated!

Looking forward to the WACUP exclusive release victhor!

If I could politely suggest one (very) minor improvement it would be an option to disable the spectrum analyzer being mirrored. I much prefer low frequencies (bass) on the left and high frequencies on the right.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2018, 04:09:23 PM »
I've just seen your donation! HUGE THANKS! (eventually I'll have to think of a place where to put your name and others who donate).

About the visualizer, sounds like a good idea, I'll have to figure out a mode for a more traditional one like you mention, even if it means a smaller vis. Seems like people look at vis frequencies way more than I do heh, and removing left and right distinction is a bit of a bummer.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2018, 01:33:13 AM »
WACUP version is progressing now, check it out:

And for those of you using the skin, I'd like to know how you're doing with it now that a month has passed. Is it working fine? Does it have all the features you need? Did someone jumped from Big Bento to Modern? (is there anything you miss then?) Is the size good enough, or a bit more would be better?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 01:34:12 AM by victhor »


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #35 on: June 21, 2018, 02:18:02 AM »
I love love love this skin. It has completely replaced Bento for me. I am not missing anything.
I specifically use the Windows 10 edition as I like the style.

I have a feature request that may or may not be possible. I wonder if you can make "custom" Tabs on the side.
Example. There is Media Library, Playlist, Visualization, Web Reader, Equalizer, Skin Settings.
I would love to be able to add one of the Smart Views to that side bar or the Downloads view.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #36 on: June 21, 2018, 03:16:39 PM »
Cool, I'm glad you're enjoying the skin so much.
About your request, is not possible to add custom views from the library, Winamp only allows entire components. I can't even duplicate components (ie. another Library to have it set with a specific view).


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2018, 10:25:39 PM »
Thank you victhor, I'm really loving this new skin. Makes Winamp feel like it was released in 2018 :)

Was wondering, is there anyway for the end user to change the browser in Web Reader to something like Chrome for example?

I tried adding Google Play Music as an experiment, but it's not playing audio. So I'm not sure what the web browser included is, is there any possible configuration options to enable for instance javascript?
<sourceitem name="Audio > Google Play Music" comment="Play the Google Play Music of the file playing" url="" icon=""/>


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #38 on: June 23, 2018, 10:35:47 PM »
Glad you like it scr1m3!
The Web reader uses what Winamp provides as a web browser, basically the Internet Explorer engine (yeah.. that old piece of crap..). I'm not sure if it gets updated with system updates, but IIRC my last tests with Windows 10 improved a lot on how the Web reader performed -maybe it was just luck and it may not be related-, the message "you're using an old browser" dissapeared when using YouTube inside Web Reader.

Let me check that and test with Google play and I'll reply back here again.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2018, 11:12:20 PM »
My internet is wacky today, but it's mostly like you say, Google Play doesn't do well with Web Reader, you can only use it to search for an artist but playing something is not working. In case you wonder, this is the line I used to have the Google play search:

<sourceitem name="Google Play music" comment="Google Play music" url="" icon="icon.generic"/>

Windows 10 does have a better handling of sites but not on this case specifically (wonder if it's not something of my internet today...).

Not ideal, but the only thing I can think of in your case is to use the "Open in default browser button" (top right corner, next to the Web reader address bar). Also, if you want to totally avoid internet searches to use the Web Reader, you can go to Skin preferences > Web content > Open links in: default browser. Hopefully in a not so faraway future DrO can figure out an option for WACUP to internally use another browser engine =).


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2018, 01:30:44 AM »
Hopefully in a not so faraway future DrO can figure out an option for WACUP to internally use another browser engine =)
Are we sure we want to open that can of worms? I know there are some alternate embeddable browser engines but we start getting into a rabbit hole by trying to use them.

Winamp has historically relied upon the webbrowser control that Windows provides (which is essentially an embeddable IE) as that's almost always present on the machine without having to contend with bundling an installer engine with Winamp (we'd be looking at a hefty install size increase from what I remember of it being looked into a few years back).

Maybe it's something that can be supported depending on what the user installs themselves instead of it being done by default. As I think the OS webbrowser control is fine for basic web aspects (like is done for the podcasts view) but ideally proper content should be viewed in a modern browser but I never really liked browsers embedded in skins, heh.



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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #41 on: June 25, 2018, 01:09:07 PM »
Are we sure we want to open that can of worms? I know there are some alternate embeddable browser engines but we start getting into a rabbit hole by trying to use them...

Yeah... no. What I would prefer is a stable, fully working "link opener", so the potential of web services is not wasted, and Winamp / any skin can attend needs like lyrics and music info without requiring extra plugins or manual edits solutions. But I'm sure the time needed to achieve that is not worth it.
Ironically, on mobile, the tendency seems to be this one precisely, to not take the user out of the app, Gmail, Twitter, Instagram, etc open links "internally", using the system default browser (at least on Android L and O). We're obviously miles away from such integration (in terms of available resource and technology), but I like to mix perspectives XD.


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #42 on: June 25, 2018, 03:37:18 PM »
It depends on the plug-in / aspect of Winamp that's being used as there was an effort to try to use the in-skin browser for things instead of just opening externally (which is then what happens for classic skins). In some ways moving away from having things open in winamp/wacup might be the better approach though if it's a reasonable feature then maybe we can work out a better solution to find a happy middle-ground :)



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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2018, 10:23:04 AM »
And for those of you using the skin, I'd like to know how you're doing with it now that a month has passed. Is it working fine? Does it have all the features you need? Did someone jumped from Big Bento to Modern? (is there anything you miss then?) Is the size good enough, or a bit more would be better?

Hi Victhor!

I just found this skin tonight (randomly checked out DrO's Twitter account and noticed it there) and I'm loving it! It feels very clean.

Till now I haven't really gone searching for skins. Years ago I just set up the Winamp Classic skin the way I liked it and proceeded to get set in my ways. This skin, with a slightly tweaked version of the Winamp Classic colour theme that was included, makes for a perfect replacement!

I'm curious, is it possible to adjust the font size in the Media Library/Playlist sections? The current size is perfectly functional and fits lots of information in. Sometimes it would just be nice to bump it up a size so it's a little more comfortable to read.

If I come across any issues or think of any suggestions after using it for awhile, I'll be sure to let you know.

Aside: Seeing as how this is my first post here, I'd just like to give a big thank you to both you, Victhor, for the skin, and DrO for working on WACUP. I remember my brother and sister both using Winamp almost 20 years ago and when I started doing more on computers, Winamp was what I turned to. For the last 15+ years, it's given me everything I've needed for playing and managing my music. Even with trying other media players, nothing works as well or feels as right as Winamp, and it's great to see people keeping it alive. So thank you both (and anyone else doing the same) for that.

Now I'll stop trying to derail the thread :P
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 10:30:09 AM by OpalMonkey »


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Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« Reply #44 on: June 27, 2018, 05:55:03 PM »
I just found this skin tonight (randomly checked out DrO's Twitter account and noticed it there) and I'm loving it! It feels very clean...

Awesome, and thanks for the donation too! I take it like a personal achievement to move people out of the old classic skin XD (joke aside, I like it because it means Winamp can have a whole new meaning for people like you, getting a new way of interact with a player that most people see as already dead -but that can have another "life" this way-).

I'm curious, is it possible to adjust the font size in the Media Library/Playlist sections? The current size is perfectly functional and fits lots of information in. Sometimes it would just be nice to bump it up a size so it's a little more comfortable to read.

Totally, that's in Winamp's preferences. See the screenshot for a quick reference (where font is grossly oversized just to show the effect), or try an even faster way by using hotkeys: Ctrl. AND Numpad "+" to increase size font or Numpad "-" to decrease.

If I come across any issues or think of any suggestions after using it for awhile, I'll be sure to let you know.

Please do! For me, support is part of the deal on being an active skinner!

Aside: Seeing as how this is my first post here, I'd just like to give a big thank you to both you, Victhor, for the skin, and DrO for working on WACUP. I remember my brother and sister both using Winamp almost 20 years ago and when I started doing more on computers, Winamp was what I turned to. For the last 15+ years, it's given me everything I've needed for playing and managing my music. Even with trying other media players, nothing works as well or feels as right as Winamp, and it's great to see people keeping it alive. So thank you both (and anyone else doing the same) for that.

Now I'll stop trying to derail the thread :P

Derail and talk as much as you want, we're happy to see new people here. Specially if they have good taste in media player and skins! =)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 05:56:32 PM by victhor »