And for those of you using the skin, I'd like to know how you're doing with it now that a month has passed. Is it working fine? Does it have all the features you need? Did someone jumped from Big Bento to Modern? (is there anything you miss then?) Is the size good enough, or a bit more would be better?
Hi Victhor!
I just found this skin tonight (randomly checked out DrO's Twitter account and noticed it there) and I'm loving it! It feels very clean.
Till now I haven't really gone searching for skins. Years ago I just set up the Winamp Classic skin the way I liked it and proceeded to get set in my ways. This skin, with a slightly tweaked version of the Winamp Classic colour theme that was included, makes for a perfect replacement!

I'm curious, is it possible to adjust the font size in the Media Library/Playlist sections? The current size is perfectly functional and fits lots of information in. Sometimes it would just be nice to bump it up a size so it's a little more comfortable to read.
If I come across any issues or think of any suggestions after using it for awhile, I'll be sure to let you know.
Aside: Seeing as how this is my first post here, I'd just like to give a big thank you to both you, Victhor, for the skin, and DrO for working on WACUP. I remember my brother and sister both using Winamp almost 20 years ago and when I started doing more on computers, Winamp was what I turned to. For the last 15+ years, it's given me everything I've needed for playing and managing my music. Even with trying other media players, nothing works as well or feels as right as Winamp, and it's great to see people keeping it alive. So thank you both (and anyone else doing the same) for that.
Now I'll stop trying to derail the thread