Here are the next part with translation issues...
While I was checking skin translation I found few untranslated strings. I am sure some of them are not translated yet because
this options are still subject to change/improve...
I will wait till you have final version of the skin and then check my translation again to be sure it is OK.
<!-- OTHER -->
<translation from="TIP:" to="TIP" />
<!-- Winamp Menu :: Options--> Browser -->
<translation from="Winamp Search" to="Winamp Search" />
<translation from="Plug-ins" to="Plug-ins" />
<!-- Multi-tools -->
<!-- Multi-tools :: Tooltips -->
<translation from="Skins folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<translation from="Milkdrop2 Presets folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<translation from="AVS Presets folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<translation from="Search Youtube Song Video | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<translation from="Open File(s) | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<translation from="Toggle Always on top | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<translation from="Lyrics Search | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<translation from="Search Album Cover | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<translation from="Winamp folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
<!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu -->
<translation from="Custom Button A" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'SKINS'" to="" />
<translation from="Custom Button B" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'MILKDROP'" to="" />
<translation from="Custom Button C" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'AVS'" to="" />
<translation from="Custom Button D" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open button" to="" />
<translation from="Custom Button E" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Toggle Always on top" to="" />
<translation from="Custom Button F" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Search Lyrics for current song" to="" />
<translation from="Custom Button G" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Youtube Search" to="" />
<translation from="Custom Button H" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Search Album Cover" to="" />
<translation from="Custom Button I" to="" />
<translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open %PATH_TO_WINAMP%" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
<!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu: Internet Search --> <translation from="More Artist Info" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
<translation from="Search Lyrics for Current Song" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
<translation from="Youtube Song video" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
<translation from="Search Album Cover" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
<!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu: Playlists --> <translation from="no playlist found" to="" />
<!-- Visualisation -->
<translation from="Custom Button vis.prog.button" to="" />
<!-- Big Bento Modern :: Playlist Info Panel --> or <translation from="Track " to="" />
<translation from="1 track" to="" />
<translation from=" tracks" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
<translation from="tracks" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->