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Author Topic: Big Bento Modern Beta  (Read 144926 times)


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    • Victhor Deviantart
Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #60 on: November 08, 2017, 12:47:48 AM »
1) I am still getting truncation in the notifier and hence the title is not properly displayed and I don't have the track time. The track numbers are not truncated but the title of the track playing is. Like it is not wrapping around.

Does it happen on not-so-long titles as well? Notifications are not meant to show ALL the title independently of the amount of characters, remember it is a huge font we're using now, so I've put a stop on the 36-37th character to avoid a too invasive notification. In fact, notifications are design to occupy a 1/3 of the screen at most.

2) I have two monitors and the notifications only appear on the main monitor. I have the notification options set to Bottom Right and I have tried both options under that for Relative to Viewpoint  AND Relative to Monitor and it does the same thing. The other skins will make the notification appear on the second monitor.
This is expected, I need to check on other skins to see how they solved it. Which skins have you seen using more than one screen?


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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #61 on: November 08, 2017, 01:05:03 AM »
Does it happen on not-so-long titles as well? Notifications are not meant to show ALL the title independently of the amount of characters, remember it is a huge font we're using now, so I've put a stop on the 36-37th character to avoid a too invasive notification. In fact, notifications are design to occupy a 1/3 of the screen at most.

I had to do some testing with other tracks. I have been playing some podcasts that have long titles lately so that is why I noticed. But tracks with shorter titles work perfectly. Sorry to sound the alarm. Everything seems to be working as intended.

This is expected, I need to check on other skins to see how they solved it. Which skins have you seen using more than one screen?

I have been using the standard Bento skins and they do not have this problem. But I have grown to love your skin.


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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #62 on: November 08, 2017, 01:26:54 AM »
Maybe for the longer title strings, rather than a hard clip, use an ellipse (...) as that'll make it less harsh if clipping does have to happen (I'd hope that most people get what a ... implies).



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    • Victhor Deviantart
Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #63 on: November 08, 2017, 01:18:09 PM »
I have been using the standard Bento skins and they do not have this problem. But I have grown to love your skin.

Don't worry, if it's on one skin, then it can be here ;).

Maybe for the longer title strings, rather than a hard clip, use an ellipse (...) as that'll make it less harsh if clipping does have to happen (I'd hope that most people get what a ... implies).

Good idea, now let's hope I can figure out how to display en ellipse dinamically..


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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #64 on: November 08, 2017, 02:39:13 PM »
Good idea, now let's hope I can figure out how to display en ellipse dinamically..
slip the string & then append the ellipse. nice & simple :)



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    • Pawel Porwisz
Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #65 on: November 09, 2017, 09:17:37 AM »
I am translating the skin into Polish language. It will be available in my Language Pack.
Because, translation system is not yet working well in WACUP I am testing it in clean Winamp 5.666 (AOL)
For now, here are my notes:

1. Is it possible to make Tip window a bit longer (it is hard to fit all text)?
Ps: Tip: word is not translated -> you need to add the following to wasabi.xml: <translation from="TIP:" to="TIP:" />

2. Some entries can not be translated (loaded dynamically, like for example: "VOLUME:")
I am sure it can be done easily but I don't remember how to do it... -> Ask DrO or Benski

3. Is it possible to make Tabs width a bit longer?
Could you move right the selected area?

4. I still have a problem with Font mapping in the skin...
If I map swis721 font into for example Arial Unicode MS it seems to work (I can see correct Polish letters in the skin).
For example:
However if I only refresh skin (F5) or close and open Winamp again it is borked again:
(Songticker, Time display area and File Info are OK) -> skin options is not OK.

Am I doing something wrong? How to set different font for Winamp interface?
Is this is a bug that Winamp not remembers it?

5. What this means (could you describe it?):
      <translation from="Slam!!!" to="Slam!!!" /> --> what is SLAM? what is the context?
      <translation from="Switch to Light version" to="Switch to Light version" /> --> it is "lite" version or with lighter color?
      <translation from="Switch to Dark version" to="Switch to Dark version" /> --> is it "full" version or with dark theme?

6. Skin options
When the option is not checked the slider is on the left:
When the option is checked the slider is on the right:
It is OK -> But I wonder why if user hover mouse over NOT checked option it shows it is checked?
Are you sure it is intuitive?

7. Color Themes list has a very small font (comparing to other)

8. The "question mark" icon is visually not good->
Maybe you can improve it to not look so "pixelated"

« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 09:18:21 AM by Pawel »


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    • Victhor Deviantart
Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #66 on: November 09, 2017, 11:10:09 AM »
I am translating the skin into Polish language. It will be available in my Language Pack.

Excellent! I knew I could count on you ;)

1. Is it possible to make Tip window a bit longer (it is hard to fit all text)?
Ps: Tip: word is not translated -> you need to add the following to wasabi.xml: <translation from="TIP:" to="TIP:" />
Will add it for next version (in spanish "tip" is "tip", but I didn't pretend to skip it)

2. Some entries can not be translated (loaded dynamically, like for example: "VOLUME:")
I am sure it can be done easily but I don't remember how to do it...
Yeah, I think I know how, it's on my to-do list.

3. Is it possible to make Tabs width a bit longer?..
Yep, on it! (seems like spanish is not the only language where words are significantly longer than in english...
Well.. maybe is the other way around, english is too "compact" actually XD (most of the time I end up using english on my folder naming system to save a lot of characters!)

4. I still have a problem with Font mapping in the skin...
I said I would add missing characters to the font, I didn't say WHEN XD. Next version will have it!

5. What this means (could you describe it?):
      <translation from="Slam!!!" to="Slam!!!" /> --> what is SLAM? what is the context?
      <translation from="Switch to Light version" to="Switch to Light version" /> --> it is "lite" version or with lighter color?
      <translation from="Switch to Dark version" to="Switch to Dark version" /> --> is it "full" version or with dark theme?

Slam!!! >> would be "Slam close", closing Winamp very abruptly. My translation is very informal since it's a tooltip not so easy to spot -may change it later-, but you can translate it as "Close Winamp". This text is on the tooltip you see when the skin is on fullscreen and you aim to the very far top-right corner (visually, mouse pointer would be outside the close button, but it's another close button indeed)

Switch to Light/Dark version >> Like on Windows 10 switching from dark to light COLOR of windows. On Android this is called "Night mode" (dark) vs "Daylight mode" (light) IIRC.

6. Skin options
When the option is not checked the slider is on the left:
When the option is checked the slider is on the right:
It is OK -> But I wonder why if user hover mouse over NOT checked option it shows it is checked?... Are you sure it is intuitive?

Originally this was just a lighter color over the rectangle, to denote which options was about-to be checked, now since on my skin is easier to spot that, I changed it to denote that "you can toggle it". When enabling something is working fine, but I have to find a way to achieve the same when disabling something..

7. Color Themes list has a very small font (comparing to other)
Yep, I managed to change Search results fonts but this is a downside of that.. I'll see if I will mantain this for the final version.

8. The "question mark" icon is visually not good... Maybe you can improve it to not look so "pixelated"
Heh, this is totally on purpose, it's sort of an 8-Bit question mark. Wanted something to stand out from all the other more - traditional icons..


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    • Pawel Porwisz
Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #67 on: November 09, 2017, 12:50:28 PM »
Victhor, thank you for your answer and explanations.


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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #68 on: November 09, 2017, 03:57:30 PM »

Here are the next part with translation issues...
While I was checking skin translation I found few untranslated strings. I am sure some of them are not translated yet because
this options are still subject to change/improve...
I will wait till you have final version of the skin and then check my translation again to be sure it is OK.

      <!-- OTHER -->
      <translation from="TIP:" to="TIP" />
      <!-- Winamp Menu :: Options--> Browser -->
      <translation from="Winamp Search" to="Winamp Search" />
      <translation from="Plug-ins" to="Plug-ins" />

      <!-- Multi-tools -->
      <!-- Multi-tools :: Tooltips -->
      <translation from="Skins folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Milkdrop2 Presets folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="AVS Presets folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Search Youtube Song Video | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Open File(s) | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Toggle Always on top | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Lyrics Search | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Search Album Cover | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Winamp folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu -->
      <translation from="Custom Button A" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'SKINS'" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button B" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'MILKDROP'" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button C" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'AVS'" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button D" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open button" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button E" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Toggle Always on top" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button F" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Search Lyrics for current song" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button G" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Youtube Search" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button H" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Search Album Cover" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button I" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open %PATH_TO_WINAMP%" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu: Internet Search -->
      <translation from="More Artist Info" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <translation from="Search Lyrics for Current Song" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <translation from="Youtube Song video" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <translation from="Search Album Cover" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu: Playlists -->
      <translation from="no playlist found" to="" />
      <!-- Visualisation -->
      <translation from="Custom Button vis.prog.button" to="" />
      <!-- Big Bento Modern :: Playlist Info Panel -->
      <translation from="Track " to="" />
      <translation from="1 track" to="" />
      <translation from=" tracks" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <translation from="tracks" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->



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    • Victhor Deviantart
Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #69 on: November 09, 2017, 05:25:36 PM »
While I was checking skin translation I found few untranslated strings. I am sure some of them are not translated yet because this options are still subject to change/improve...
I will wait till you have final version of the skin and then check my translation again to be sure it is OK.

Great job! This really helped me now. Different things happen with these strings, most of what you mention are actually translated, but from the exact string used on the script, although I knew some were not working (i.e. "CURRENT MODE:"). I was about to do the hard work of modding the scripts to declare each string as "translatable", but based on what you proposed I can see now that using the exact RESULTING string is working fine ("CURRENT MODE: Open MILKDROP"). Now I'm adding each one, which are definitive actually, to the wasabi.xml.

The ones I really missed are the submenus from Internet search and one or two more I'm spotting now, thanks!

If you want, wait a bit for the final version, I'll be adding some more text (not much really), enlarging areas where more space may be needed and also designing some form of "Select language" simple dialog / window (with flags!) where I plan to include also your translation if it's ok with you!


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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #70 on: November 14, 2017, 12:02:28 AM »
Update on translation status: managed to reach all dinamic texts on Custom buttons. A lot trickier than expected.. had to sacrifice the "CURRENT MODE" string, in exchange there is a lot less to translate and one string can replace various dinamic texts (and all is in general quite more clean).
Also improved 300% the "Type path/url" dialog; Fixed the title not being translated and also several others not being reached by the translation (not sure why, but it's probably related to the fact that some were params inside a Wasabi button).


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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #71 on: November 18, 2017, 12:14:11 PM »
Hi Victhor,

I don't have this bug, so won't be able to help.
I have a suggestion about the volume button. It looks cool, but in Bento, one can change the volume in just one click, since there's a direct access to the volume bar. Maybe you could consider finding a way to offer a similar option...

thanks anyway, this skin is great, I love the look!


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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #72 on: November 18, 2017, 11:52:34 PM » Bento, one can change the volume in just one click, since there's a direct access to the volume bar. Maybe you could consider finding a way to offer a similar option...

While doing the skin I thought recurrently about this. In my experience, seems like most people use dedicated buttons on the keyboard to turn volume up/down or even the scrollwheel, like I do. So, taking off space (at least 360px) from an area I wanted to specifically clear off was not worth.
That said, I can take a look and see if a toggable option (pop-up vs traditional volume) can be done easily.

Fabrice Baro

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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #73 on: November 22, 2017, 07:40:00 PM »
Big thanks to Victhor for the skin. It's a welcome fresh take on (no so big anymore) Big Bento which I was still using.

Funny fact: I placed the zip file in the skins folder, selected it in Winamp, and the old Winamp Classic skin appeared. I thought the whole skin was an elaborate joke ;)
I think I remember that one could used zipped skins... I also tried renaming to wsz and wal... same result.

Anyways, extracting the files solved the problem.

About me: continuously used Winamp since 1998. Made 2 (classic) skins around that time. Both were lost when revamped the skins section. Anyone remembers this?

One request/suggestion: in the file info, add a line so that the year is displayed permanently.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 07:58:44 PM by Fabrice Baro »


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Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« Reply #74 on: November 23, 2017, 02:31:16 AM »
Funny fact: I placed the zip file in the skins folder, selected it in Winamp, and the old Winamp Classic skin appeared. I thought the whole skin was an elaborate joke ;)
I think I remember that one could used zipped skins... I also tried renaming to wsz and wal... same result.
Anyways, extracting the files solved the problem.

Yeah, there is a note at the end of my (long) thread stating the skin needs to be used as a simple folder heh. :P

One request/suggestion: in the file info, add a line so that the year is displayed permanently.

You can disable Cycle file info and click the last line until it display the year. It'll stay there. You can even make more space by hiding Rating stars!