Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

Author Topic: Smooth +++  (Read 5382 times)


  • n8wachT
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Smooth +++
« on: November 27, 2017, 03:15:04 AM »
Been unable to test for a while due too personal circumstances, but finally could pick up where I left.

The installation of the WACUP runs like a charm. It's probably one of the most stable setups you can get, you've done an incredible job so far.
I did run into a few problems shortly after the installation. But I didnt make a topic on the Beta discussion because it didnt took me long to find out
those minor issues occured by other not-WACUP related stuff.

For instance: I didnt got my Shoutcast stream up and running anymore. It connected, did all you would except it to do. But whatever I tried, the
audio output kept akwardly silent. After a long puzzling adventure the problem came from new Shoutcast settings (the AAC codec must be selected
in the configuration of streamer application, and MP3 as codec. Last time I used it the AAC option wasnt even build. I use B.U.T.T. opensource
for streaming livecasts (Broadcast).

The second flaw occured at Milkdrop visualization. One of the plugins I use a lot so that didnt make my day at first. It just refused to start giving
some error message about video drivers on my system probably needed updating. But the Intel drivers were perfectly up to date, according to Intel.
I could open the configuration of Milkdrop, just not hitting the start button. I decided googling on it first for a while, and after some time it
found the solution for me. Some forum post suggested to turn of the Pixel Shading option in the second screen of configuration (see screenshot).
Ironic part is that this is one of the few option labeled with ''DO NOT TOUCH THIS'' ...

To make it more challenging I started adding plugins I used a lot, including very very old ones (late '90's as last edited for some). Most focussed
on even more options as it comes to handling the playlist. I am still adding more external plugins to see what happens. More details on that next time.

So far, with various external plugins running... it runs like an unbreakable diesel, I am impressed. Deeply.

I've added my support on Patreon. It would be an honor if my nickname and miniblog were embeded in the winamp preferences

nick: n8wachT
"You asked me if I was in the meth business or the money business… neither. I’m in the empire business."


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Re: Smooth +++
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2017, 06:21:52 PM »
Been unable to test for a while due too personal circumstances, but finally could pick up where I left.
That's fine & main thing is whatever the issues were are hopefully resolved.

The installation of the WACUP runs like a charm. It's probably one of the most stable setups you can get, you've done an incredible job so far.
That's great to hear & that's one of the aims in trying to get it stable.

I did run into a few problems shortly after the installation. But I didnt make a topic on the Beta discussion because it didnt took me long to find out those minor issues occured by other not-WACUP related stuff.
That saves me moving the topic :)

For instance: I didnt got my Shoutcast stream up and running anymore. It connected, did all you would except it to do. But whatever I tried, the audio output kept akwardly silent. After a long puzzling adventure the problem came from new Shoutcast settings (the AAC codec must be selected in the configuration of streamer application, and MP3 as codec. Last time I used it the AAC option wasnt even build. I use B.U.T.T. opensource for streaming livecasts (Broadcast).
I know there was a recent B.U.T.T update so I don't know if that would have helped. But WACUP doesn't provide a stream source yet (only a basic DNAS like option) so maybe when I've got that stable then it might make things easier if you're trying to broadcast what's playing in the WACUP install.

The second flaw occured at Milkdrop visualization. One of the plugins I use a lot so that didnt make my day at first. It just refused to start giving some error message about video drivers on my system probably needed updating. But the Intel drivers were perfectly up to date, according to Intel. I could open the configuration of Milkdrop, just not hitting the start button. I decided googling on it first for a while, and after some time it
found the solution for me. Some forum post suggested to turn of the Pixel Shading option in the second screen of configuration (see screenshot). Ironic part is that this is one of the few option labeled with ''DO NOT TOUCH THIS'' ...
The message in Milkdrop maybe isn't helpful but it stems from what things were like a decade ago. At least the option is there to get things working which I believe has that warning note since it generally shouldn't have to be changed unless there's a specific need to do so. I've not seen it happen but I've only used dedicated CPUs with Milkdrop so I'm not sure how an integrated GPU compares (might have to borrow my better half's work laptop for a bit to see what that does).

To make it more challenging I started adding plugins I used a lot, including very very old ones (late '90's as last edited for some). Most focussed on even more options as it comes to handling the playlist. I am still adding more external plugins to see what happens. More details on that next time.
Would be interesting later on to see what plug-ins you've tried & what features they're providing. As it might be simpler to roll them into WACUP :)

So far, with various external plugins running... it runs like an unbreakable diesel, I am impressed. Deeply.
It helps that 5.64 - 5.666 fixed up a lot of the odder stability issues that were seen thanks to shipping the crash reporter which is why I wanted to keep doing that with WACUP. So basing WACUP on top of 5.666 (even though I've then been replacing a lot of the native plug-ins) makes it easier to get things done without having to worry about some of the issues that I remember fixing.

I've added my support on Patreon. It would be an honor if my nickname and miniblog were embeded in the winamp preferences
I thank you very much for doing that & have added your details to the patreon prefs page as requested :)
